The Russian Orthodox Church does not ordain priests.
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Russian Orthodox Church in America was created in 1927.
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The current leader of the Russian Orthodox Church is Patriarch Kirill I of Moscow.
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The Romanian Orthodox Church mainly follows the liturgical practice of the Greek Orthodox Church, rather than the Russian Orthodox Church, such as the use of the new calendar.
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The date on which the church celebrates Easter because the Eastern/Russian Orthodox Church base it on the old Julian calendar.
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The leader of the Russian Orthodox Church is currently Patriarch Kirill I of Moscow.
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Russian Orthodox, is referring to the Eastern Orthodox Church of Christianity or Judaism, were in Russia, the main religion is Russian Orthodox.
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The head of the Russian Orthodox church is called the Patriarch of Moscow and all Russia. He is His Holiness Patriarch +KYRILL I. He is the spiritual leader of all Russian Orthodox Christians in Russia, which is the largest body of Orthodox believers in Russia today and is known as the Moscow Patriarchate. The Russian Orthodox church plays an important and major role in Christianity throughout the entire world.
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The Catholic Church believes that the Russian Orthodox Church is a legitimate Church because it has seven valid sacraments. However, the Catholic Church believes that the Catholic Church alone has the fullness of truth.
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I believe Russian Orthodox is second to the Greek Orthodox which actually the part of Constantinople Patriarchate. One can find Orthodox churches in many countries around the world for example Japan, Australia, Canada, USA, in Every counry in Europe. There is a Russian Orthodox church in Antarctica There are Russian Ortodox Churches in Latin America. During the communism regime there was a great pressure on the Orthodx faith and it had really weakend the church to the point where we did not know if we could continue to exist. God willing the church has survived and it is truyl a miracle to see the rebirth of christianiy in Russia and the popularity of the Russian Orthodox Church abroad. Patriarch Kirill is doing a great job spreading the chrisian faith within Russia and also abroad. What drives people to the Russian Orthodox Church even among the other Orthodox Christians is that tradition and that sincere faith that caputres ones heart even upon an entry into a Russian Orthodox Church.
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No, Orthodox churches are where persons of Greek or Russian Orthodox faith worship. Like the Church of England, the Orthodox also separated from the Roman Catholic Church on matters of doctrine.
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The Russian Orthodox Church is in the working to minimize any minority religions that are not equal to their own. On account of the Jehovah Witnesses being that of one of the minority religions, yes, the Russian Orthodox Church is, not alone though, behind the persecution of the Jehovah's Witnesses.
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The Russian church in Barcelona, Spain is Saint Nicholas Orthodox Church. It is located at C Rector Triado 68 08014.
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As with many questions, it depends . . . the Russian Orthodox Church is headed by the Patriarch of Moscow and All Russia (the Russian Orthodox Church is often referred to as "the Moscow Patriarchate," or simply, "MP"). By "All Russia," of course, is meant all the lands that have been traditionally included in a Russian State. Ukraine has been included in Russian States for the past several hundred years. Ukraine only gained independence after the fall of the Soviet Union in the early 1990s.
The Russian Orthodox Church has several hundred, if not thousands, of parishes in the Ukraine, under the designation of "The Ukrainian Orthodox Church under the jurisdiction of the Moscow Patriarchate." This jurisdiction is rather loose-the Ukrainian Church under the MP is considered an "Autonomous Church"-all the Bishops, as well as the Metropolitan (head of this Church) are voted on in Ukraine by Ukrainian Bishops; the MP has the "right of refusal" if a candidate is considered unworthy, but in practice, this happens very rarely. So, the Ukrainian Orthodox Church/Moscow Patriarchate, is indeed in union with the Russian Orthodox Church.
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It has over 160 million followers, making it the largest Orthodox Church in the world.
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Church of the Byzantine Empire.
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he eliminated the position of the patriarch of the Russian orthodox church
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he eliminated the position of the patriarch of the Russian orthodox church
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he eliminated the position of the patriarch of the Russian orthodox church
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The Coptic Orthodox Church granted the Ethopian Church it's own Patriach. Like the greek did to the Serbian,Russian etc However they are in communion with each other and are both part of the Eastern "Oriental' Orthodox church.
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It led to the formation of the Russian Orthodox Church, which is now the largest Orthodox church in the world, with over 150 million members.
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He married Olga Kokhlova in a Russian Orthodox church in Paris.
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The greatest influence on the organization doctrine and liturgy of the Russian Orthodox Church was the sobornost. The sobornost is a concept that encourages the cooperation between people and discourages individualism.
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Do you mean Greek Orthodox, Russian Orthodox, Jewish Orthodox?
Arguably, not a huge amount because orthodox usually denotes a high value being placed on procedure and tradition - which they all share to an extent.
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th practices that were adopted as a feature of the russian orthodox were christianity, monothesism and the pope. the features not adopted were the crerical celibacy
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Yes, the main religion in Russia is Christianity, with the majority of followers identifying as Russian Orthodox.
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Christianity, Islam, Buddhism, and Judaism as important in Russian history. Orthodox Christianity (Russian: Православие Pravoslavije) is Russia's traditional and largest religion, deemed a part of Russia's "historical heritage" in a law passed in 1997.Russian Orthodoxy is the dominant religion in Russia. About 95% of the registered Orthodox parishes belong to the Russian Orthodox Church while there are a number of smaller Orthodox Churches. However, the vast majority of Orthodox believers do not attend church on a regular basis.
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He married Olga Kokhlova in a Russian Orthodox church in Paris.
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how did peter the great change the Russian orthodox church
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The Soviet government no longer exists. When it did, it did not support the Russian Orthodox Church. The Soviet government was anti-religion and discouraged organized religion of any kind, even though it claimed tolerance.
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Depends which "Ukrainian Orthodox Church" you mean. If you mean the Autonomous Ukrainian Orthodox Church, which is self-ruld but under the jurisdiction of the Russian Orthodox Church, the answer is "yes." If you mean the Ukrainian Orthodox parishes in the USA, Europe, and Australia which are under the jurisdiction of the Patriarchate of Constantinople (although these are certainly NOT a "Ukrainian Orthodox Church," but simply Ukrainian Orthodox dioceses of the Patriarchate of Constantinople), the answer is "yes."
If you mean any other Ukrainian Orthodox groups-whther one of the so-called variety of "Ukrainian Autocephalous Orthodox" Churches IN the Ukraine (some of which also now have parishes in the USA), or any of the plethora of vagante, fly by night, non-canoncial, possibly heretical, possibly occult groups in the US that include the words "Ukrainian" and "Orthodox" iin their names, the answer is "NO."
See the question "is the Russian orthodox church in union with the ukrainian orthodox church" for more information
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Yes, Easter is the most important event in the church calendar for all Orthodox Christians throughout the world. Easter in Russia is observed by more than 100 million Russian Orthodox people.
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I have been searching for one since i came to Toulouse France, if you r seeking a copte orthodox church then no there is none, the nearest to you will be 150-200 kms away. But there is a Russian Orthodox church in the avenue of GRANDE BRETAGNE.
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Russian Orthodoxy is practiced mainly in Russia, but has found itself surging also in the United States.
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The official church of Russia is the Russian Orthodox Church. Even though it is the official church there is complete religious freedom in most of Russia.
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Denomination: Orthodox
Catholic, he's from Ukraine, the majority are Catholic there or Russian Orthodox which is a part of the Catholic Church.
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Because the Romanian Orthodox Church adopted the new (Gregorian) calendar in 1924, along with the Greek Orthodox Church. The largest Orthodox church (the Russian Orthodox) continued to use the old (Julian) calendar, along with the Serbian Orthodox, to celebrate Christmas on 7 January each year.
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There were two main churches: Roman Catholic and Orthodox.
Actually there were three main churches at the time, the Roman Catholic Church, Eastern Orthodox Church and Oriental Orthodox Church.
The Oriental Orthodox Church was the first church to break away from the Orthodox Church (Eastern Orthodox Church) in 451AD followed by the Roman Catholic Church in 1054AD.
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The Russian Orthodox Church was by far the largest demonination.
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