



Questions about the belief in the Lord Jesus Christ as Son of God and Saviour.

34,145 Questions

What does it say on the sign outside the store?

The sign outside the store says "Open for Business."

Why do we celebrate Good Friday and what significance does it hold in the Christian faith?

Good Friday is celebrated by Christians to commemorate the crucifixion of Jesus Christ. It is a solemn day that marks the sacrifice and death of Jesus, who is believed to have died for the sins of humanity. Good Friday is significant in the Christian faith as it represents the ultimate act of love and redemption, as well as the fulfillment of God's plan for salvation.

Why do we pray to Jesus?

Christians pray to Jesus as a way to communicate with him, seek guidance, express gratitude, and ask for help. They believe that Jesus is the Son of God and that praying to him can bring comfort, strength, and a deeper connection to their faith.

Why was Manasseh considered a half tribe?

Manasseh was considered a half tribe because the tribe of Manasseh was divided into two separate portions when the Israelites settled in the Promised Land. One portion settled on the east side of the Jordan River, while the other settled on the west side. This division led to Manasseh being referred to as a half tribe.

With what weapon did Cain kill Abel?

Cain killed Abel with a weapon, likely a sharp object like a knife or a rock.

With what weapon did Kane kill Abel?

Kane killed Abel with a weapon, likely a rock or stone, according to the Bible.

With which religion is the evil eye associated?

The evil eye is associated with various cultures and religions, including but not limited to Islam, Judaism, and Christianity.

Would anyone like to lead us in a group prayer"?

"Is there anyone willing to lead us in a group prayer?"

Would you be willing to give your life to Jesus and follow him wholeheartedly"?

"Are you willing to dedicate your life to Jesus and follow him completely?"

Would you be willing to trample snakes and scorpions to achieve your goal"?

No, I would not be willing to trample snakes and scorpions to achieve my goal.

Would you ever dare to tread on scorpions for a chance to win a million dollars?

No, it is not worth risking harm to myself by treading on scorpions for a chance to win a million dollars.

Will we achieve perfection in heaven?

The concept of achieving perfection in heaven is a belief held by some religious traditions. In these beliefs, it is believed that in heaven, individuals will be free from sin and imperfections, and will experience ultimate peace and happiness. However, the idea of achieving perfection in heaven is not universally accepted and may vary depending on different religious beliefs and interpretations.

Will we be able to physically embrace Jesus in heaven?

In Christian belief, it is commonly understood that believers will be able to physically embrace Jesus in heaven. This is based on the idea of being reunited with loved ones and experiencing a sense of closeness and connection with God.

Will we be in heaven for 1,000 years?

According to some religious beliefs, there is a concept of a 1,000-year period in heaven known as the Millennial Kingdom. This idea is based on interpretations of certain scriptures and varies among different religious traditions.

Will we pray in heaven?

Many religious beliefs suggest that prayer is a way to communicate with a higher power, and in heaven, it is often believed that there will be a direct connection with that higher power. Therefore, it is commonly thought that prayer will continue in some form in heaven.

Will you and your household be saved"?

The question asks if you and your family will be saved.

Will you curse those who curse me"?

The response to curses directed towards me is not to retaliate with curses.

Will you plead the blood of Jesus for protection and guidance in this situation"?

"Will you ask for the protection and guidance of Jesus in this situation?"

Will you surely die according to the King James Version of the Bible?

According to the King James Version of the Bible, it is written in Hebrews 9:27 that "it is appointed unto men once to die, but after this the judgment." This verse suggests that death is a certainty for all individuals, but it does not specify a guarantee of when or how death will occur.

Will some of you not taste death?

The question you are asking is about a religious belief that some people will not die. This belief varies among different faiths and interpretations.

Will some of you standing here not taste death?

The question is asking if some of the people present will not die.

Will the United Nations launch an attack on religion?

There is no evidence or indication that the United Nations plans to launch an attack on religion. The UN promotes religious freedom and tolerance as part of its mission to uphold human rights and peace worldwide.

Will the dead rise when Jesus returns?

According to Christian belief, it is believed that the dead will rise when Jesus returns for the final judgment. This event is often referred to as the resurrection of the dead.