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It depends on the type of other dog but a German Shep needs alot of room to run around and play. if the other dog is a smaller dog like cavalier king Charles spaniel or smaller with a GSD needs alot of room, they get huge, i had one.

Walking a GSD doesn't cut it either. Their stride is much longer than ours. Their true gait, a trot, is much faster than that. They need various places to run off leash, explore, meet other people and dogs for a minimum of an hour a day. If the dog is European, the minimum is 2 hrs or more daily. I exercised my male continuously for 4 hrs straight one day. He was still ready for more. I was dead!

I rescued my GSD's brother off a chain, both German Working line dogs. He was 2 yrs old and always leash walked due to where they lived. The chain because he jumped the fence trying to get more exercise.

I took him home, got a vet apt and then we went to the huge fenced woods next door. We walked to the middle of the meadow and I unsnapped his leash. He flew out of site so fast I almost missed it.

I knew he'd be back. I trusted him as you must trust yours too.

Don't know how far he went or where but he came back the most joyous dog I've ever known. He stopped near us, an airplane caught his attention, then a bird, then he watched the clouds. His entire being changed within 15 min. His pride in himself returned.

I took him that evening to a lake with a trail around it. Before I got to the trail from our car, a woman offered me $1,000 cash on the spot for him. flea bitten ears, a foot of hair missing from his tail with a kink in it and behind in his shots, his coat dull. His presence had totally changed to pride oozing from every inch of him.

I turned her down, took him around the mile trail telling him about a thousand times what a good dog he was. He was SO proud of himself by the end of that walk his shoulders were up, his ears were up, his tail was proud! I doubt if he'd had that much attention for a long time. Every thing he did on that walk, pass a dog and be courteous, pass people and be nice, stop when I stopped, everything, Good, Good dog, Good name!

GSDs will need a morning walk in order to eliminate their bowels. As long as you can make the walk a fast pace stopping with him when he wants to smell things.

In the evening they need a 1-2 hr off leash free run. Activities always various, Locations always varied. They need to be learning almost continuously. This is one breed who loves learning. and adore pleasing you if they respect you.

Then another walk before bedtime.

They must move to eliminate their bladder and bowels.

Then they'll be ready for apartment living. But keep the apt cool when you're away. I set mine at 58 degrees. My Shepherds love to lie on the deck in a snow storm. Leave a window where they can look out to see what's going on while you're way.

Leave them loose in your apt. They're trustworthy if exercised well.

Use them for what they were bred for, protection.

Be sure they get to play in those first snows of the season. They go crazy to play in snow.

And if you have a Shepherd give him a big kiss for us and tell him GOOD DOG, too!.

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12y ago

It needs to be a big area to where it would have fun and run around in.

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8y ago

All depends on how big of a dog you have and how much exercise you want to give it by taking it for walks. The smaller the dog the less exercise it needs, the larger the dog the more it needs

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Q: How big does a German shepherds backyard need to be?
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