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A moral code is only important in the absence of law


Moral codes are always important to live by. Laws became laws because people had no morals and did whatever they wanted to - and still do sometimes.

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Principal, Hill Valley College of Education for Women, Thrikkakara, Kochi, Kerala, Inida. PIN: 682 033


A worthwhile education should target the total development of learner's personality. But in the present system emphasis has given to transmission of knowledge and cultivation of occupational skills. This has created a moral vacuum in the life of the individual. Inculcation of desirable values in the upcoming generation is felt essential for finding out answers to so many problems that humanity face today. The need for value-based education is clear from the following arguments:

  1. Value-based education is needed for developing moral qualities such as humility, truthfulness, honesty, courtesy, tolerance, sacrifice etc. among the youth.

  2. It will help in developing positive social attitudes in new generation which prompt them to raise their voice against social evils.

  3. Meaningful education aims at the all-round development of the learner. The optimal development of the moral, spiritual and aesthetic aspects of personality needs enrichment and refinement in the form of value education.

  4. The humanizing role of the educational process is played by the value-based education.

  5. Value education is essential for developing democratic qualities such as dignity of the individual, social justice, liberty, equality, fraternity etc.

  6. The harmonious co-existence of different ideologies in society requires respect for moral and ethical values. Value education inculcates these virtues in a systematic manner.

  7. Value-based education inculcates sense of cooperation and fellow-feeling among people.

  8. The need for value education is constantly increasing as we continue to witness increasing violent activities, behavioral disorder and lack of unity in society.

  9. Only value education would lead us to attain our ultimate goal of peace on earth.

  10. Values education can strengthen students' self esteem, optimism and commitment to personal fulfillment, and help students exercise ethical judgment and social responsibility.

  11. Effective values education in schools and collegeswill help students to understand and apply values such as care and compassion, doing your best, fair go, freedom, honesty and trustworthiness, integrity, respect, responsibility, understanding, tolerance etc. in their daily life

  12. Value education will help the individual to resolve value conflicts and fix the standard of his behaviour.

  13. Value education is needed to give direction to one's social, moral and spiritual development, thus to bring quality to life.

  14. Value oriented education is needed to promote individual and social welfare, love, peace, goodwill and understanding.

  15. Values are the greatest unifying force in life. Inculcation of these values through education is the necessity of the hour to check the disintegration of social relations.

  16. Value education is needed to strengthen social harmony, to encourage cultural development, to instill democratic qualities and to combat social evils and injustice.

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