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You are eating to little. Your body will go into a starvation mode. It will store all of the calories you take in BUT, it will burn them. When you eat nothing your body takes calories from your fat, your muscles, and if you let is go on long enough (in the case of anorexics) your organs. If you eat only 500 calories a day you will loose weight. That is very few calories though, and will decrease your health and energy levels (eventually).

Hi, Obviously this isn't healthy, however you asked the question so you probably already know this and do not wish for that type of answer. If you would like to lose weight the healthy way, obviously you would not have asked this question, so I will not advise you on that.

That being said, I have on several occasions used this type of low calorie diet tio get to my target weight, usually when I lose patience with the 1lb a week. I think eating 500 calories a day, you will first of all drop 2-3lbs water weight, an d probably lose around 2-4lbs a week, depending on your current weight, maybe more. If you are a normal weight I would guess you may lose 3lbs of fat a week.

A tip I would give anyone considering this diet, is, that its not easy,so you just need to keep telling yourdself why you are doing it, I fill up on Diet Coke when partici[pating in this type of low calorie diet.

My best advice though, would be do it the healthy way, 1200-1500 calories a day, and cardio 3 times a week.

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11y ago
Answer: the best way...don't starve your body. if you do that, then you start eating more, your body will store fat as insurance against the next time you starve it. THIS CAN MAKE YOU FATTER LATER!!! Plus, you will only lose a couple fatty pound in 3 to 4 weeks. The best thing to do is avoid fast food altogether for 5 weeks. Instead, make sure to eat all natural, healthy food and regular small meals. Make sure to include some protein (i.e. eggs or peanut butter) in your breakfast, your body uses this most for fuel. Include fruit with your lunch, every little bit helps. Instead of snacking on chips and cookies, choose veggie baked crackers or an apple or other favorite fruit. This will keep you fuller longer and has less fat in than the other stuff. For dinner, you want to make the serving sizes small unless you plan to go exercise right after dinner. Make sure to include each of the basics: pasta or rice, sauce (like alfredo or pesto), veggies, and meat. (eating fried stuff will make weight harder to lose) Finally, pick three regular exercise days per week and reserve 20 minutes for each workout. I chose winsor pilates because it is low impact, but you may choose any routine you are comfortable with. 20 minutes each, three times a week is all you need, though if you wish, you may do more days per week. Don't overstress yourself by doning more than 20 minutes at a time. You will get tired and have more cravings if you do. The cure for cravings: allow yourself to have it, but only a small amount. You just have to exercise self control. Control your craving, don't let it control you. This method takes some dedication, but you will be more likely to keep the weight off. This is what I did and I have three children and I still wear a size 6-8. AnswerProbably very quickly but 500 calories is way too low. You will be literally starving yourself which can lead to problems worse than your weight. You might try a 1000 to 1200 calorie diet that is low in fat. Make sure you read labels and avoid saturated fats. For example, 1 (one) frozen burrito has more fat than you should eat in two days. Eat smart and be aware of what and how much you eat. I tried the six very small meals a day (1200 calories)diet and I lost about 15 pounds in 2 months and I wasn't at all hungry. Also, if you are a very active person, you may need more calories to maintain your energy. If you are not active, you may try walking or low impact excercises to help with weight loss. Good Luck:) Answeri eat 400-500 cals a day. (well im bulimic but please don't throw up this meal u need it) to help control myself from binging, i don't think about eating or any kind of food. chew a lot of sugar-free minty gums (only like 5 cals). They keep u full and make u feel like u r eating a snack. And sleep a LOT. this makes the day go by quicker and keeps u away frm the kitchen. I lose about 15-18 lbs. every 2 months by doing this. Depends on how much u exercise. (Exercise while u still have energy frm that meal) AnswerIn 1988, Oprah ate only 400-500 calories in liquid form per day for 4 months and lost 67 pounds, however, she also kept a staff with her at all times in case something should go wrong, and ended up in the hospital from passing out. She also gained 17 of those pounds back immediately after returning to a normal diet. My highest weight was 180 lbs (5'9"), and after eating 500-600 cals in HEALTHY foods every day, I was able to loose 10 pounds in about 3 weeks. AnswerLook at your activity level. Some of us have efficient systems and so need to get the metabolism going so it works to use up the calories taken in every day. Take a 30 minute walk in the morning and do some other type of exercise in the afternoon/evening. Look up the diet for diabetics (very good explanation of carbs and protein), watch your portions and be sure to chew each and every bite of food thoroughly. There's no shortcuts that will really work for the long term unless you make these lifetime changes. Even if you lose 10 pounds you have come a long way to general health.


I'm 5'4 and my highest amount I've weighed was 180 lbs. I've found the best weight loss my joining the medifast diet. on my first week i lost 10 lbs and on my second I lost 7... no starving and it teaches meal size and about what foods are healthy to eat, plus gives you all the vitms. you need and more. Fastest and healthest way to loose weight I've ever treid.

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16y ago

In order to lose weight, you must eat healthy and exercise so that the body becomes efficient at burning the nutritious food you give it.

The average person needs about 1200-2000 calories a day- if you go under this amount ie 500 calories, the body may go into starvation mode, slow down your metabolism and you could actually gain weight.

The best way to reduce the number of calories you consume is to write down how many calories you normally eat in a given day and go 200-300 calories below that

you should also stay active, and eat smaller meals throughout the day-

Always consult with a doctor before going on any diet plans.

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10y ago

How much weight you lose is based on not only calorie consumption but your current body weight. A larger body needs more calories to remain the same size. So, a person weighing 400 lbs. will lose more weight than will a person weighing 200 lbs., if each is living on 1000 calories per day.

500 calories sounds way too low for anyone to live on, even if "dieting." Try consulting an online calorie calculator for a reasonable idea of how much you should be eating.

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11y ago

Saying you don't exercise, and have a base (meaning you burn them just by existing, per day) of 2000 calories burned, you'll lose 6.5 pounds at least the first week. Possibly more, possibly less, depending again on your base.

That is NOT healthy, and your body could go into starvation mode, which will make it more difficult to lose the weight. Try between 500-700 calories a day.. that's 2.5 pounds a week, which is fine.

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15y ago

Most women need around 2000 calories a day to maintain their weight; girls younger than 18 usually need a bit more. Try eating 1500 calories a day in five or six 200-300 calorie meals to keep your metabolism up and running. If you are exercising you will lose weight faster. Aim for 30 minutes a day. DO NOT drop below 1200 calories a day; your body needs at least that to stay healthy.

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14y ago

Way too much, way too fast. At 500 calories a day, you are essentially starving your body. For a while, I'd say a couple weeks, you may not lose any weight. This is because your body is holding onto everything it has. However, eventually it will start consuming muscle tissue, etc. This is when you will drop weight, but it will not be healthy in the least. You can even do permanent damage to your organs. And usually, as soon as you start eating a regular calorie intake, you'll most likely gain all or most of the weight back. The healthiest thing to do is eat a MINIMUM of 1200 calories, and you will shed weight. At the same time, this is 1200 calories of nutrition. Fruits, vegetables, and proteins. 1200 calories of cheese-its and ice cream is not going to be any better than eating 500 calories.

Good luck.

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well actually your body will only burn the calories it consumes. if your eating less calories it will burn less calories, so i don't think you can figure that out from just that. if your trying to lose weight, exercise before meals, so your burning the fat you have stored and not the energy from the food you just consumed.

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Much faster. Sugar and Soda may taste good but are only empty calories.

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The only way to lose weight is to use more calories than you take in. That is, you must burn more calories (exercise, basal metabolism, etc.), than you eat.

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Well, eating 1200 calories will help people lose weight if they usually eat more than 1200 calories. However, there is also the option of exercising daily or regularly.

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You will lose weight if you spend more calories than you take in.

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1) You'll be healthier than those who drink sweetened drinks, which contain empty calories.2) Whether you'll actually lose weight will depend on what and how much you eat.

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Yes, you certainly will lose weight and harm your health. Think about all of the calories you burn during the day simply living out your daily routine (showering, folding laundry, running up and down the stairs, cooking, or whatever you do!) This would subtract the extra 200 calories you did not burn off at the gym. === === Yes, you will actually lose too much weight too fast I only eat 1000 calories a day because I really want to lose a lot of weight. I've been losing about 5 pounds a week (yes I know that's extremely hypocritical it's not really a good idea to eat so little and burn all of it off anyway. If your going to the gym every day and burning 800 calories every day then you should be eating at least 2000 calories a day. You will still lose weight but at a much healthier rate. The only reason that I only eat 1000 calories is because I don't get very much exercise.

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There is no way to answer how long it will take to lose weight because it depends on the calories that are being eaten daily. Three things a day may have more calories than six or ten things a day. Losing weight depends on one thing: calories in = calories out.

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There is no way to spot reduce. When you lose weight, the weight comes from your entire body at the same time. Taking in fewer calories than you burn in energy is the only way to do this.