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Yes, however you'll also harm your body.

Your body burns calories all the time, just being alive, asleep, even eating burns calories. When you consume more calories than you burn, you'll gain weight, consume fewer than you burn and you'll lose weight. Simple math.

So would reducing your calories down to near nothing cause you to lose weight? Yes. It's true that your metabolism would also pretty much shut down as you enter a starvation mode- meaning you'd lose weight at a slower rate than had your metabolism remained stable, but you'd still lose weight.

But your body needs nutrients, yes, even calories, every day to remain functioning properly. If you really do have such a strong desire to lose weight that you would starve yourself- seek psychiatric help. You may have an eating disorder. A qualified medical professional can diagnosis you and recommend treatment options.

If you really want to lose weight in a healthy maintainable fashion, eat right and exercise. No joke.

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Q: If you eat once a week will you lose weight?
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How can you lose weight in a week by exercise only?

No, you have to watch how much food you eat.

How much weight can you lose in kilograms if you starve for three days?

That is a very bad idea, because after those 3 days you will eat again, so there's no point. In a week (if you don't eat anything) you'll probably lose 2 kg. You will regain the weight once you start to eat again.

Is it possible to lose weight in one week?

definitely, if you don't eat anything and exerise

If you are 26 and weight 130 pounds and you are 5'1 how many calories should you eat to lose weight?

350000 a week

How much weight do you lose if you dont eat for one week?

What you lose will be water. When carbohydrates are not eaten, there is loss of retention of water.

Is one day a week ok to eat McDonald's if your trying to lose weight?

Yes it is ok unless you go crazy and eat alot of food there and that won't help you lose any weight..

Can I lose weight if I only eat two days a week and drink alot of water?

yes you lose weight dramatically it also helps if you workout as well

If you eat 9100 calories a week how much weight will you lose if you burn 1000 a week?

None, probably. You need to burn 3,500 MORE calories than you consume to lose one solid pound of weight.

Can you lose weight eating nothing but popcorn for a week?

You'll probably lose weight by just eating popcorn for a week, but it will be mostly water weight and the weight you lost (and usually more) will come back on once you start eating normally. It's best to eat a varied diet with lots of lean meats, low-fat dairy, whole grains, fruits and vegetables.

If you eat just weetabix for a week will you lose weight?

yes you will ! i done that and the weight fell off, but as soon as you eat normally again, then you will pil eon the pounds :)

If I eat 6250 less calories in 1 week how much weight should I lose?

You should add your current weight and about how much you eat now to the question.

If you eat only once per day will you lose weight?

of course you will but you will get hungry. XD