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Any attempt at weight losshas to start with controlling what you eat, as the foods we have available today can be so high in calories. If you aren't controlling your intake it's pretty much impossible to exercise any weight away.

Then it depends on how fast you're walking. If you're just strolling around w/o getting your heart rate up the walk won't do you much good.

But again - you've got to start with controlling your diet. Once you're able to do that and get your walks in you should be seeing some progress. 2-3 pounds/week is doable on a controlled diet.

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11y ago
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15y ago

700-800 calories a day should do it.. so i say run for about 15-20 mins

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16y ago

well if you walk a mile you can lose 370 calories in one mile. In one week you can lose 1-2 pounds a yeah i think that is the best information that i can give.

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11y ago

About 100 is what i read. The weight lossis about 6lbs give or take.

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By doing regular gym and weight strength exercises, I can easily lose many kilos of my body weight.

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Sorry- no magic food or diet will make you lose weight. calories of ANYTHING eaten must be less than calories burned to lose weight.

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To burn 10 pounds it would probably take 25 to 35 miles if you just ran to burn weight. Diet and excercise are best when used in combination.

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like lots of miless. like lots of miless.