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Topics to Explore

What color is the great pyramid of Giza?

The great pyramid was the color of Oolitic limestone- a kind of honey color. When it was built, the outside was covered in a layer of polished white fine grained limestone, but had been removed later to build Cairo

When will leap day feb 29 fall on monday 2016?

There is the answer in your question. It will be a Monday and on the 29th of February in 2016.

How do you generate electricity from oil?

Three technologies are used to convert oil into electricity:

  • Conventional steam - Oil is burned to heat water to create steam to generate electricity.
  • Combustion turbine - Oil is burned under pressure to produce hot exhaust gases which spin a turbine to generate electricity.
  • Combined-cycle technology - Oil is first combusted in a combustion turbine, using the heated exhaust gases to generate electricity. After these exhaust gases are recovered, they heat water in a boiler, creating steam to drive a second turbine.
  • crude oil is mined
  • crude oil is sent to refinery
  • refined oil sent to power plant
  • oil is burned, creating heat
  • heat is used to boil water
  • steam created turns turbines
  • turbines turn generators
  • magnets in generators move free electrons in copper wire
  • electricity is distributed

What element is a brown solid?

A brown solid element could be iron (Fe) or copper (Cu). Both of these elements can form brown-colored compounds or oxides when exposed to air or other elements.

How do you set the time to night in minecraft?

With commands you can do /time set 14000 which makes it early night or something like 18000 for late night or anything in between. That's really the only way.

Is Percent A Part Of Punctuation?

No, punctuation is the collection of marks that separate sentences or parts of sentences and that have no other meaning than to help you read the sentences of a text correctly. The %-sign has a meaning of its own, namely 'percent'. The same goes for # (number), @ (at) and & (and).

Is a free public accessible multiplayer online implementation of Monopoly game a subject of copyright law or I can use all Monopoly ideas for free until I do not sell it?

It is not subject to any copyright laws, as long as it not entirely the same, and once you start selling it, it is subject to the laws of any copyright laws on the monopoly franchise.

Why do engines with less cylinders rev higher then ones with more cylidners 2 or 4 cylinders opposed to 8?

It's not the amount of cylinders. Formula 1 cars have 8 and they rev to 10,000prms. It's about a shorter stroke and less reciprocating mass. Generally, engines in cars with 4 cylinders have a displacement under 3 liters. This means smaller pistons, rods, crankshaft and/or stroke. Big American muscle has V8's with big displacement, let's say 5 liters or bigger. So they have a longer stroke, bigger pistons, bigger rods and a bigger crank. So that's basically why.

How do you calculate principal and interest when amountrate of interest and time period is given?

The amount, P, is the principal.

If the rate is r% compounded annually for y years, then the total interest earned is

P*[(1 + r/100)^y - 1]

Where is coil located on 4 cylinder Nissan Frontier?

I believe it is located within the distributor. I am not sure if it is a seperate part or part of the entire distributor assembly. Hope this helps.

What is pathology testing?

pathology has many branches it can be forensics or even with animals. It sometimes invloves looking at dead things and cutting them open to see how they died or if they had a disesase. With animlas they look at body tissue uder a microscope to see how its infected with a disease. ( i am not a teenage genius but im doing a report on this) good luck!

What are some consequences of cyberbullying?

Some journal articles and online networks have raised the issue of the legalities of cyberbullying; generally, can one be prosecuted for being a cyber bully? The web site STOP cyberbullying states, “Cyberbullying may arise to the level of a misdemeanor cyberharassment charge, or if the child is young enough may result in the charge of juvenile delinquency (¶ 6). Cyberbullying has become such a newly debated issue that United States Supreme Court cases have been cited in regards to their implications on the cyberbully and the school personnel. Both Willard (2010) and Mason (2008) discussed Tinker v. Des Moines Independent Community School District, Bethel School District No. 403 v. Fraser, and Hazelwood School District v. Kuhlmeier; all of these cases address students’ rights to free speech. Willard also raised the issue of school officials’ responsibility to respond to off-campus behavior. She wrote, “…school officials should have the authority to impose discipline for on- or –off-campus sexting acts that are directed at harming a student’s reputation or causing a hostile environment at school for that student” (p. 8). She interpreted that school officials have the authority to respond to cyberbullying that takes place off campus if it makes the victim feel unsafe, interferes with the victim’s education, or creates a significant disruption at school.

School districts across the country are now having to address cyberbullying by creating and implementing policy and discipline guidelines.

In 1999 U. S. Attorney General, Janet Reno, sent to Vice President Al Gore her report titled Cyberstalking: A New Challenge for Law Enforcement and Industry which began to explore ways to address this issue. The report stated, “Unfortunately, many of the attributes of this technology – low cost, ease of use, and anonymous nature, among others – make it an attractive medium for fraudulent scams, child exploitation, and increasingly, a new concern known as “cyberstalking” (¶ 1). The report acknowledges that there is no universally accepted definition of cyberstalking, however it does include ‘leaving written messages or objects’ within the defines of stalking; hence, would leaving harassing text messages be considered stalking which could then be a criminal act?

STOP cyberbullying. Direct attacks: Cyberbullying by proxy. Retrieved March 3, 2011


STOP cyberbullying. What is cyberbullying, exactly? Retrieved March 3, 2011 from

STOP cyberbullying. Take a stand against cyberbyllying. Retrieved March 3, 2011 from

Willard, N. (2010, August 2). School response to cyberbullying and sexting: The legal

challenges. Retrieved from

Mason, L. M. (2008). Cyberbullying: A preliminary assessment for school personnel.

Psychology in the Schools, 45(4), (pp. 323 – 348). Doi:10.1002/pits.20301

U.S. Attorney General. (1999). Cyberstalking: A new challenge for law enforcement and

industry. Retrieved from

Who is Yugi's family?

Inu-taisho died trying to save Izayoi and Inuyasha (Who had just been born). It doesn't really say how Izayoi died but in the third Inuyasha movie she got stabbed so maybe she bled to death or got sick from it...

Hope I helped~

How does smoking reduce the amount of oxygen in your body?

The inhaled smoke takes up space in the lungs which should filled with air. This in turn reduces the amount of oxygen in the blood stream because of space now filled by poisonous gases taken from the smoke.

What is a glokenspeil?

A glockenspiel is a percussion instrument consisting of a set of tuned metal bars played with mallets. It produces a bright, bell-like sound and is commonly used in orchestral and marching band music.

What does 'course' mean?

# Course means to to go to a path or a direction

What is 40 percent off 95.00?

$9.50 (10%) x 4 = 38.00.

95.00 - 38.00 = 57.00

Can a crown crack?

A crown may last a lifetime, but sometimes it can become broken or chipped. If you find yourself in this situation, whether it can be repaired will depend on the amount of damage and the type of crown you have.

What country borders east timor?

East Timor is a country in Southeast Asia, which was occupied by Indonesia from 1975 to 2002, after it declared independence from Portugal. It has since changed it's official name to Timor-Leste.

Who composed the opera Norma?

Norma is a opera in two acts by Vincenzo Bellini with libretto by Felice Romani and was first produced at La Scala on 26th December 1831.

What is ph12?

pH 12 is a measure of how acidic or basic a solution is on a scale of 0 to 14. A pH of 12 indicates that the solution is highly basic, with a high concentration of hydroxide ions. It is considered to be very alkaline.