Ducks can eat small amounts of mango as an occasional treat, but it should not make up a large part of their diet. Make sure to remove the seed and peel, and cut the mango into small pieces to prevent choking. It's important to offer a balanced diet for your duck that includes appropriate commercial feed, grains, vegetables, and treats like fruits in moderation.
OK, so first make sure you get your flying level up to AT LEAST 50. Next, make sure you race the yellow duck, white duck, and green duck. The yellow and green ducks are on top of the shop, and then the white duck appears at the top of the hill past the shop once you beat the green and yellow ducks. Once you've beaten all the ducks, look in the background for a windmill. You will see it spinning. Click on the windmill and then do the tournament.
Not by the bucketload, but a few every now and then will be OK.
Yes, it's safe for dogs to eat prawns or shrimp.
Nasturtiums aren't poisonous for cats, so they are fine for cats to eat. There are some poisonous plants, but nasturtiums aren't one of them.
Yes, it will be fine to eat chicken Kiev's that are out of date. As long as the food was put in the freezer before the expiration date they can be eaten.
It is ok to eat mango during your period. Eating mangos can help stop breakouts on the skin. Mangos are like a natural skin scrub, working from the inside, keeping the skin bacteria free and reducing redness.
not all Hindus are vegetarians they just can't eat beef. Chicken, pork, duck is ok to eat.
Killer whales do thats why they have sharp teeth.
Darkwing Duck - 1991 Slime OK You're OK 1-57 was released on: USA: May 1992
no sometimes because when u look at nasty food u throw up and eat it ok now thats right
Full - No the correct answer is "A duck filled fatty puss"...................OK
It is ok thats what facebook is there for.
thats your opion
Is it ok to eat pomegranate
it is 07649765564 i really thats for level 66 ok have fun ! and for level the end id 87456859687478906 thats for level 99 ok
BECAUSE it died .all animals do that its just like that !ex:my dog had puppys she killed on by axadent she has to eat it but some people dont let that happen and thats ok aswell!
none but thats ok