if they were to race the cheetah would win but if they were to fight the tiger would win
The antonym of docile is defiant or obstinate.
Tigers will not waste energy running unless they are sure they can catch the prey. Tigers sneak up on prey and will only chase for a short distance if they can not catch it.
Undoubtedly, docile has a very positive connotation.
A docile tiger is a tiger that is NOT hungry(Content, full, fed)
If he was hungry yes
Hungry Tiger was created in 1900.
The Hungry Tiger of Oz was created in 1926.
Hungry Tiger Press was created in 1994.
Don't get in front of one when it is hungry would be very important.
When they are hungry
Restless, lonesome, bitter, tame, docile
Docile is an adjective, so you would use it to modify a noun:That's a very docile dog you have.Your dog is docile, isn't it?
It likely depends on the tiger, and perhaps how hungry it is.