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No. Werewolves are nothing but myth. However, a bite from any animal carries the risk of infection, so you should see a doctor.

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Q: Will you become a werewolf if your dog bites you?
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How do you turn your sim into a werewolf in sims 2 double deluxe for PC?

Oh it is pretty easy. Just watch outside during the night. If will see a stray dog with yellow glowing eyes it is a werewolf. Have your sim interact with it. The dog may: Play along, Run Away, or Bite you. If the dog Bites you, you WILL become a werewolf.

If a dog was bitten by a werewolf what would happen?

nothing unless the wolf has rabies then your dogwould become rabidthe dog would most likely become a werewolf dog thing

What happens if your friends a werewolf and she bites you?

If your friend is a werewolf and bites you, there is a chance you may also become a werewolf. Werewolf bites are often depicted as transferring the condition of lycanthropy to the person who was bitten.

Who bites lupin?

A werewolf.

Can any werewolf bite itself?

if a werewolf bites itself, nothing happens

How are werewolfs made?

A werewolf bites a normal person.

What are dog bites?

When a dog bites someone or something.

What happens to people who become a werewolf?

They become a werewolf.

How do werewolves turn humans into werewolves?

Werewolves transform on the full moon every month. Different than animaguses, they do not remember who they are and who they love when they transform, but become savage beasts. When a werewolf bites a human while in its transformed state the human becomes a werewolf. If, like Fenrir Greyback, a werewolf bites humans while not transformed, the human will not become a werewolf, but may develop a fondness for raw meat. Generally, though, werewolves are normal people apart from their "furry little problems." :) unless you mean in twilight or something, in which case whenever the hell they want.

Would a vampire drink the blood of a werewolf if the werewolf was in human form?

I guess it is possible for that to happen, but unliekly

Does quil become a werewolf in ecplise?

Yes, quill does become a werewolf.

Can a girl become a werewolf?

Become a character in a werewolf novel or movie.