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Not as a steady diet, each food is specfic to maintain a balanced diet to each animal. I would not give guinea pig food to a rabbit as an example for you. ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ To be perfectly honest, all the food produced commercially for rodents and vermin is basically the same stuff. There are a few that are higher quality, but all-in-all the same. Y-THINK-Y Guinea pigs, like humans, cannot make their own vitamin C, but it is essential that they get it. If you are not going to feed your piggy proper food, you will have to supplement its water with vitamin C (you can get it at the pet store). In the water, it breaks down quickly, so you will have to change its water atleast once a day. It is much easier to just feed your piggy guinea pig food.

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17y ago
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15y ago

no it will not but just in case watch it if it starts acting weird take the food away and give it plenty of water and if u fed it just 1 dont worry

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14y ago

yes, as hamsters are likely to choke on guinea pig food.

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13y ago

guinea pigs can never eat anything but guinea pig food. hamster food does not have the right nutrients

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12y ago

No, guinea pigs have different diets than gerbils and hamsters.

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Q: Can a guinea pig eat hamster or gerbil food?
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Can guinea pigs equals gs eat hamster and gerbil food?

Hamster and gerbil food may not meet all the nutritional requirements of a guinea pig. Guinea pigs require a diet high in vitamin C, which is not typically included in hamster and gerbil food. It is best to feed guinea pigs a specific guinea pig pellet or food to ensure they are receiving the necessary nutrients for their health.

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Can Ginny pigs eat hamster and gerbil food?

no, they should eat food that has been made just for guinea pigs.

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Can gerbils eat hamster food?

Yes! In fact, ALL hamster food is made for Hamsters AND Gerbils! It is perfectly fine to give gerbils the hamster food, and also to give hamsters gerbil food!

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It is not recommended to feed hamster food to guinea pigs as they have different nutritional needs. Guinea pigs require a diet high in Vitamin C, which is typically not present in hamster food. It is best to purchase guinea pig-specific food to ensure your pet receives the proper nutrients.

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Can you feed guinea pigs hamster food?

Their are some food that can be fed to guinea pigs as well as other animals , yes.But it isn't recommended that people feed foods that are not made for guinea pigs to guinea pig , So I would suggest buying pellets (food) specified for guinea pigs with no seeds in them (some companies put seeds in and make a mix but seeds are known for not being very good for guinea pigs.)

What is the healthiest food for a girble to eat?

Gerbils can eat a lot of hamster mixes, but make sure you check the label before you feed it to your gerbil.

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Rats basically eat anything, but rat food, hamster food, gerbil food, etc. is the best for them. They do also like fruit and nuts too.

What is most nutricious for a gerbil to eat?

Gerbil food.

Can a teddy bear hamster and a Mongolian gerbil live in the same cage?

Syrian Hamsters will kill and eat a gerbil, do not put them together in the same cage.