Some of the wild animals in the world would be the great big bear rhinos wild cats and lions monkeys birds like hawks and eagles and snakes and more .
Tame animals have been domesticated and are comfortable around humans, while wild animals have not been domesticated and live in their natural habitats without human interaction. Tame animals are typically more dependent on humans for food and care, whereas wild animals rely on their instincts to survive in the wild.
Wild horses are feral descendants of domesticated horses that now live in the wild. They typically roam in herds, exhibit social behaviors, and graze on native vegetation. These animals play a crucial role in maintaining ecosystems by grazing on grasses and helping to disperse seeds.
Here are five wild animals;MooseCheetahOstrichBlackbirdBlue whale
Jaguars are wild animals.
some animals have to hunt for their food and on the other hand they have to be eaten to make other animals food
One can purchase pictures or posters of wild animals at many retail locations, both in person and online. Examples of such locations that offer the product include Walmart and Target.
By studying pictures of animals, or seeing them in a zoo, or watching nature documentaries on the television.
no they do not, theytalk or act out to each other.
You go to Safari and take pictures of 7 wild animals for Big Zeke. But, you must have a camera. After you get the pictures, Zeke will give you a hat.
You have to go to a different place in Africa, finish a quest then you get the camera.
There are pictures of animals all across the internet; the key is to know which animals are native to the United States. To find this information, I suggest starting at Wikipedia with a search string of "United States animals" and see what list that brings up.
You could do an Orangutan
Pictures? Can we do pictures?
All animals come from the wild. God created all of them. Animals in Captivity are just descendents of wild animals.
wild animals
wild animals are responsible for their self