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Q: Why were atalanta and her husband turned into lions?
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What Are Atalanta And Her Husband Transformed And Why?

they were turned into lions because it was believed that they either insulted Zeus or Aphrodite.

Into what are Atalanta and her husband transformed and why?

They are transformed into lions by Cybele and draw the Great Mother's chariot thereafter.

Where and when did Atalanta die?

she and her husband were changed into lions by zeus/juppiter for vandilism of his temple.

What is Atalanta's symbol?

The answer is many: golden apples (her race with Melanion), and bears (the she-bear) and lions (what she was turned into) and spear (for fighting capabilities).

How did Atalanta die?

atalanta was turned into a lion with hippomenes

Did Atalanta have a husband?

Yes; Atalanta was married to Hippomenes, who was also known as Melanion.

What was the animal the heroine that Atlants turned into by Aphrodite?

Atalanta was turned with her lover Hippomenes into lion and lioness.

What was the condition atalanta set for a possible husband?

Atalanta, a character in Greek mythology, set the condition that any suitor who wished to marry her must first defeat her in a footrace. She was a skilled runner and believed that only someone who could outrun her deserved to be her husband.

What day was the lion created?

i am not sure that anyone knows but lions were supposedly created when the legend of atalanta and hippomonies ends. Athena the greek goddess turnes them both into lions for revenge when they do not prey to her.

Was Hippomenes mortal?

Yes, Hippomenes was mortal. He was also known as Melanion. Hippomenes/Melanion was the husband of Atalanta.

What were golden apples in Greek myth?

Three golden Apples were featured in Greek mythology, in which a hunter named Atalanta raced against a suitor named Hippomenes who used the golden apples to distract her so that he could win the race:"After Atalanta participated in the hunt and received the pelt, her father claimed her as his offspring and wanted her to get married. Although a very beautiful maiden, Atalanta did not particularly want to marry after an oracle told her that she will gain bad luck if she marries. In order to get her a husband, her father made a deal with Atalanta that she would marry anybody who could beat her in a foot race. Atalanta happily agreed, as she could run extremely fast.She outran many suitors. The one that finally became her husband accomplished this through brains, not speed. Hippomenes (also known as Melanion) knew that he could not win a fair race with Atalanta, so he prayed to Aphrodite for help. The goddess gave him three golden apples (sometimes the fruit was quince instead) and told him to drop them one at a time to distract Atalanta. Sure enough, she quit running long enough to retrieve each golden apple. It took all three apples and all of his speed, but Hippomenes finally succeeded, winning the race and Atalanta's hand. Unfortunately, Hippomenes forgot to thank the Goddess and she turned them into lions."Atalanta was a virgin huntress who promised to marry the man who could win a foot race against her-knowing that no men could beat her. Hippomenes drops the golden apples every once in a while so he could out run Atalanta and he finally wins.

Who was Atalanta?

Atalanta was a heroine in Greek mythology.