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Artemis's symbol was not a stag, it was a golden hind. There were only five Golden Hinds, a gift of Taygeta to Artemis; the most famous is the Cerynitian Hinds which Heracles borrowed unharmed for his Labor.

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Q: Why was Artemis' symbol a stag?
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Is Artemis's golden stag a pet?

no it was jest a symbol

What is Artemis animal symbol?

The stag or the she-bear and a bee.

Why is Artemis' symbol a stag?

She is goddess of the Hunt and forest animals, so it would make sense her symbol is a stag. A stag is a forest animal that is commonly hunted.

What is Artemis's main symbol?

Golden bow & arrows; Deer (stag or hind)

What is Artemis's' symbol?

Artemis is symbolized by a wild stag, a bear, a falcon, her silver bow, her silver arrows, and the crescent moon.Her symbol is a silver bow and arrow.

What is Artemis's?

Artemis is symbolized by a wild stag, a bear, a falcon, her silver bow, her silver arrows, and the crescent moon.Her symbol is a silver bow and arrow.

Why was the stag sacred to Artemis?

The stag is a forest animal, and Artemis was the goddess of forests and wildlife.

Does Artemis' symbol of a stag represent her skill at hunting?

One of Heracles labors was to retrieve the Cerynitian Hind; this golden horned deer was a animal sacred to Artemis.

What is Artemis' symbol?

Artemis's symbols are the sliver bow and arrow, wild animals, and the moon.

Who was the hunter changed into a stag by Artemis?

The unlucky hunter that got turned into a stag by Artemis was Actaeon. He accidentally stumbled upon Artemis while the virgin huntress and her attendants were bathing. In revenge, Artemis turned him into a stag by splashing water on him. Then she sent his own hunting hounds on him. They tore him to pieces.

Who turned Actaeon into a deer?

The goddess Artemis changed Actaeon into a stag. Actaeon accidentally stumbled upon Artemis and her followers while they were bathing. In revenge, Artemis turned him into a stag by splashing water on him. He was then torn to pieces by his own hounds.

What does Artemis' symbol look like?

Artemis' symbol is typically represented as a crescent moon or a bow and arrow. Sometimes, you may also see deer or other forest animals associated with her as symbols.