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he has worms inside his tummy.

take him to the vet asap.

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Q: Why is your puppy pooping worms?
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What if puppy wipes bottom on ground after pooping?

Maybe she's got a dirty bottom. Could also be worms or impcted anal glands.Check with the Vet . The Vet can teach you how to evacuate the anal glands at home. Check the poop for worms. Frequently you can see them.

I found short pinks flat worms coming out of my three monthold puppy what are they?

Because the worms got in side of your puppy and they are eating your puppy's insides. You should take your puppy to the Vet.

Can a flea that has bit a puppy with worms and then bite a human give it worms?


Can a puppy get tape worms?

Yes they can

Why is your puppy eating poop?

Your dog probably has worms!!! Your puppy needs training.

If you bring a puppy home with tap wrom can give to the dog that was here before the puppy?

The other dog can get tape worms from the affected puppy only if that dog were to eat the puppy's fecal matter, which is where there would be tape worms.

Can worms crawl out of a dos butt if the dog isn't pooping?

Yes. It's ringworms.

Why are there white worms that are not tape worms in dog's feces?

Those are probably hookworms or whipworms. Take your puppy to the vet asap. The worms eat all the food the puppy takes in, and he gets no nutrition.

Are puppy hiccups a sign of worms?

no but if they are coughing, you should bring them to your local vet and get a medicine for coughing just in case they have a cold

Can i treat puppy worms without taking him to veterinarian?

Yes I think you can but I'm not sure my puppy got worms and we bought some special pills from a petshop and they seemed to work.

My 10 week year old Bichon Frise puppy has been throwing up and pooping non-stop we assume this is worms. What should we do?

Have a vet deworm them. If you MUST do it yourself, buy a dewormer medecine at the pet store. Dose the puppy as directed right away, and WAIT (Yes, wait) for TWO weeks to give them their seond and final dose. The reason for the two-week wait, is to kill the new worms that hatch from eggs laid two weeks before.

Why is your puppy pooping water?

Main cause of vomiting and diarrhea in dogs...pancreatitis. Caused by eating PEOPLE FOOD! If it's a puppy, you hope it's not Parvo