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If they lick their hands and rub it over thier head they're most likely just cleaning themselves and not really pulling their hair out (unless the hair is coming off, if so you need to call a vet.)

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becos it lyks the taste...:P obvs

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Q: Why is your hamster pulling his hair out?
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What can happen when your hamster loses hair on its bottom?

Hair loss on a hamster's bottom can be a sign of a skin issue like mites, a fungal infection, or wet tail disease. It's important to take your hamster to a vet for a proper diagnosis and treatment to prevent further health problems.

Will there be an infection if hamster hair is lost?

Hair loss in hamsters can be caused by a variety of reasons including genetics, stress, nutritional deficiencies, or underlying health issues. Hair loss itself does not directly lead to an infection, but it can make a hamster more susceptible to certain skin conditions or infections. If you notice hair loss in your hamster, it is important to consult with a veterinarian to determine the underlying cause and appropriate treatment.

Will it help if you give a hamster who is losing its hair special vitamin for the water?

It's best to consult a veterinarian to determine the underlying cause of your hamster's hair loss. In some cases, providing a balanced diet with adequate nutrients may help improve your hamster's health and fur condition, but adding vitamins to the water without professional advice could be harmful.

Is the long hair gerbil bigger than a hamster?

A long haired hamster, also known as a syrian hamster, can grow up to 5-6 inches. Even though they have longer and messier coats types than a short haired hamster, a long haired hamster does not grow bigger in size than a short haired. Long haired hamsters reach their full size a within a year after birth.

How can you tell a teddy bear hamsters age?

You can estimate a teddy bear hamster's age by examining its size, coloration, and activity level. Younger hamsters tend to be smaller, have brighter fur colors, and be more energetic. Additionally, you can ask the breeder or previous owner for the hamster's birthdate or age.

Related questions

How can you find out why your hamster has hair loss?

If your hamster has hair loss this could be a symptom of a disease or parasites.

Your hamster is gold and white with short hair What kind of hamster is it?

that will proberly be a Syrian Hamster or the Golden Hamster.

Is hair pulling in a fight cheap and not fair?

Yes it is very unfair because if the person who is pulling your hair will get the advantage. because pulling your hair can create brain damage and your head will be very very saw when the hair pulling is over.

What treatments are available for compulsive hair pulling?

The official name for hair pulling is Trichotilomania. It seems as stress is a trigger for pulling one's hair. If one is searching for treatment, a medical professional would be the one to talk to to stop hair pulling.

Why does Hamster's hair look pink?

because a hamster's skin is pink

What rhymes with forebear?

hamster hair!

Information about the hair straightner?

Well, it's hot and you use it to straighten your hair by pulling it through your hair. Well, it's hot and you use it to straighten your hair by pulling it through your hair.

How can you get the hamster hair out of the microwave in trick or treat adventure?

all you have 2 do is click on the hamster

What kind of body plan does a hamster have?

a hair soft and unroughness hair

What kind of body plan does a hamster?

a hair soft and unroughness hair

What kind of hamster is a hamster with grey hair and black eyes?

It might be a winter white or a Russian dwarf or a robo hamster.

Can pulling out your own hair become an addiction?

Yes, pulling out your own hair can become an addiction. Hair pulling is also a symptom of the disease trichomania. This disease has no cure, but there are some medicines that can be taken to help.