A pregnant cat sneezing and coughing a lot could be due to a respiratory infection, Allergies, or irritants in the environment. It is important to take the cat to the vet for a proper diagnosis and treatment to ensure the health of both the mother and her developing kittens.
Signs of allergies in guinea pigs may include sneezing, coughing, watery eyes, and itchiness. If you suspect your guinea pig is allergic to something, monitor their symptoms and consult a vet for proper diagnosis and treatment.
Excessive sneezing and crust around the eyes in cats can be signs of a respiratory infection, allergies, or an eye infection. It is best to take your cat to the vet for a proper diagnosis and treatment.
If your cats have running eyes and are sneezing a lot, it's best to take them to a vet for a proper diagnosis. It could be a sign of an underlying health issue that may require treatment. Prompt veterinary care can help address the issue and prevent it from worsening.
It is normal for pregnant cats to meow more often due to hormonal changes and increased sensitivity. However, if the meowing becomes excessive or is accompanied by other behavioral changes, it may indicate a potential issue that should be addressed by a veterinarian.
It's a good idea to take your cat to the vet if they are sneezing a lot, as it could be a sign of an underlying respiratory issue or allergies. It's better to be safe and have a professional examine your cat to rule out any potential health concerns.
There is no sure way to determine what is wrong with a cat unless medical attention is sought. Symptoms such as sneezing and throwing up could be a cold or the flu. Cats can get most of the same illnesses as a human.
A hernia is when a bulge or a tear occurs along the inner groin or upper stomach. This often occurs when coughing or sneezing a lot or when lifting heavy objects with weak abdominal muscles.
Sneezing and/or squeaking aren't characteristics of pregnant mice, this means it is possible that the mouse is sick and you may want to consider taking it to the vet. If the mouse has given birth then squeaking is very, very common from the baby mice as they 'talk' to their mother (mouse) so they can get fed and looked after.
yes Yes, because you don't want to take any chances of it getting hurt. Plus, your cat needs a lot of rest since she is pregnant.
Signs of allergies in guinea pigs may include sneezing, coughing, watery eyes, and itchiness. If you suspect your guinea pig is allergic to something, monitor their symptoms and consult a vet for proper diagnosis and treatment.
They act normal, except they sleep a lot more than usual. My old cat had 5 litters of kittens, and everytime I walked outside while she was pregnant, she was always sleeping.
stinging eyes and coughing....lots and lots of coughing to get rid of it drink a lot of water
A lot of things could happen. Nothing might happen, or the kittens could die, or the cat could die. Don't do it.
you can contact the man known as "the cat whisperer," Dwayne Densmore from vermont. Search in facebook
If your cat is fat, sleeping alot,and licking the sidewalk then he is pregnant other ways to know that the cat is pregnant are. so that u wont get confused if he is eating too much or is pregnant. the ways are: 1. Usually when pregnant, your cats nipples will begin to grow and in the same time, become soft and pink. 2. Gently run your hand across your cats abdominal area to see if you feel any sorts of swelling or small lumps 3. When a cat becomes pregnant, her demeanor may change. Most of the time, they becoming more loving and affectionate compared to when they are not pregnant. 4. Take notice of a significant weight gain in your cat. To distinguish pregnant from fat, a pregnant cat will only be fatter around the abdominal area, but a fat cat is fat all over including the neck, legs, etc. 5. Sometimes a pregnant cat may experience morning sickness, similar to female humans when they are pregnant. 6. Your pregnant cat will start eating a lot more and demanding a lot more food. But it is still important to feed it with the correct kinds of food. so now you would know if your cat is pregnant or just fat because of all the food.but if u don't feed him that much and of the above occurs then maybe he is going to his girlfriends house and eating there or from the rubbage bin so watch out p.s a cat could be fat and pregnant at the same time because if he or she is pregnant then he or she would be fat.
--' I don't want to live on this planet annymore !!
Yes, if your coughing fits are bad enough.