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If a parasite kills its host too quickly, it also kills itself as it cannot live without the host. The parasite must at least leave the host alive until it has reproduced and had a chance for its offspring to find other hosts.

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Vincent Hilpert

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Q: Why is it better for a parasite to leave its host alive?
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Why is it better for a parasite to alive its host alive?

If a parasite kills its host too quickly, it also kills itself as it cannot live without the host. The parasite must at least leave the host alive until it has reproduced and had a chance for its offspring to find other hosts.

Are rock and mold parasite and host?

No, the rock is not alive. Both host and parasite must be alive.

Why is it advantageous for a parasite to leave it's host alive?

It is advantageous because when it kills the host, it cannot grow or feed off of it anymore. They might leave a host, and go to a stronger one with more resources.Ê

Why do parasites weaken but not kill their hosts?

The parasite keeps the host alive because the host is its source of everything. If the host dies, the parasite dies.

Is a shrimp eats algae a host and parasite?

No. A parasite feeds on its hos while keeping it alive, which is not the case with a shrimp eating algae.

What is a biotroph?

A biotroph is a parasite which cannot survive in a dead host and therefore keeps it alive.

Why would it bad for the parasite if it killed the plant or animal it lives on?

Because it would deprive itself of its food-source. Parasites thrive by feeding off a 'host' - rather than catching their own food. If they kill off the host - they either have to find another host - or die !

Why does it harm a parasite to have its host die?

It harms a parasite to have its host die because the host is what the parasite depends on. If the host dies then the parasite will have nothing to depend on and die.

What do you call the habitat of a parasite?

The habitat of a parasite is called a host. The host provides the environment for the parasite to live, feed, and reproduce.

Organism that provides food for a parasite?

The organism that provides food for a parasite is known as the host. The parasite relies on the host for nutrients and a place to live. This relationship is often harmful to the host, as the parasite benefits at the host's expense.

What is a what is s parasite?

A parasite lives on another organism (host) at the expense of the host. The host is being harmed while the parasite is benefiting.

What is an organism that provides a source of nutritional needs for a parasite?

Host. Host.