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Cole is always mad because that is all that he knew with his dad beating him senseless.

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Q: Why is Cole always so angry in touching spirit bear?
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What did Cole do to Edwin that got him angry in touching spirit bear?

Spit on hem

In Touching Spirit Bear When is a time cole is angry?

Cole beat up peter because peter told on him for robbing a store

When can cole skip a day of soaking in the pond in touching spirit bear?

when he throws a rock

When was Garvey angry in Touching Spirit Bear?

Garvey was angry when Cole revealed that he had burned down the shelter they had built together. He was also frustrated with Cole's behavior and lack of remorse for his actions.

What animal did cole kill in touching spirit bear?

Cole kills a small black bear in the book "Touching Spirit Bear".

Why is cole mad at his parents in touching spirit bear?

Cole is angry at his parents in "Touching Spirit Bear" because he feels misunderstood, neglected, and abandoned by them. He believes they are the cause of his anger and pain, and he resents them for not providing him with the love and support he needs.

What did Cole do to Edwin to make him angry in touching spirit bear?

Cole brutally beat up Edwin to prove that he was tough and wouldn't back down. This made Edwin angry and caused him to seek revenge against Cole.

What changed Cole in touching spirit bear?

What changed Cole was the spirit bear after it mauled him.

Why did cole burn down his shelter in touching spirit bear?

He burns down his shelter because he thinks his dad paid for it and is angry at his dad.

Where is cole sent in Touching Spirit Bear?

Cole is sent to Alaska

Who will finance Cole's banishment this time in Touching Spirit Bear?


When was garvey angry in touching sprite bear?

Garvey was angry in “Touching Spirit Bear” when he discovered that Cole had destroyed the shelter he'd been building, and when he saw that Cole had carelessly thrown his garbage into the stream. These actions demonstrated to Garvey that Cole was not taking their time in the wilderness seriously and was not showing respect for nature.