No, horses do not wear glasses. They have excellent eyesight and do not require corrective lenses like humans sometimes do.
nobody knows because they dont exist anymore
Goats are known to have a calming effect on horses due to their relaxed demeanor and non-threatening presence. Horses may feel more at ease and less anxious when in the company of goats, which can help enhance their overall well-being and reduce stress. It's important to introduce goats to horses gradually to ensure a positive association between the two animals.
Horses have vestigial remnants of toes in the form of splint bones on their legs. These vestigial toes are no longer used for weight-bearing or walking, as horses have evolved to stand and move on a single toe, known as a hoof.
No, in, horses do not die of old age. The game does not feature natural death for horses.
retired breeders on howrse are people that were on howrse but officially quit and dont take care of horses anymore.
i have some accounts that i dont want anymore. they have lots of horses!!user:gaebk2913pass:family09user:gaebk4everpass:family09
The same reason people do... they are much healthier. There is new discoveries in the medical feild and the main reason, they dont die in wars anymore!
because it is full of black people and people put there slaves there if they dont need them anymore
i am sory but i dont have a chose i dont want you anymore.
NO horses dont itch.
they dont even have polygon anymore they dont even have polygon anymore
i dont know, probably not as much anymore. Since shes turned out to be a bad influence on kids, their parents probably dont let their kids watch her shows anymore!
yes it is afensive to black and brown people this is why people dont sing the song anymore
they help because they buck at people they dont no
they will cancel your school if there is cases of it but you dont have to worry about that anymore but if u still are dont get to close to people and dont touch them and wash your hands a lot :)
it depends on the horse. horses dont all have a single fear, some are scared of cars, others of people. it all depends on their temperament