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Horses do get ticks, they can just be hard to spot. The most common areas are under the jaw line, inside the ears, on the stomach and under the tail head.

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8y ago

They do get ticks, unlike on humans with a horse the tick will fill up with blood and then fall off so sometimes we don't see them

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I dont know you tell me

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It could be hooves, horse shoes, hair, ticks, or the horse itself.

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NO horses dont itch.

Is it OK for horses to eat ticks found on the grass in their pasture?

if you want your horse to get sick in other words no no no!

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I think ticks travel in groups

How do Wood Ticks protects itself from animals?

They dont they will sometimes try to hide.

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You dont get horses on wolfquest :L (:

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i was trying to find out too i dont think you can get more horses in horses 3d

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no horses live in the zoo.