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a lion stays by its prey so no one else will eat its hard work by catching it

To eat it and then guard it from other predators looking for an easy meal. Typically lions come back several times to eat from one carcass because there is too much meat to eat in one sitting. This is true among individual animals or smaller prides. A large pride may be able to eat most of the meat initially. Many times hyenas are on the scene very quickly after a lion or lions have made a kill and a cackle (i.e. a group) of hyenas can and will chase the lions off if given the chance.

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Q: Why does a lion stay by its killed prey?
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No but the predator will be having a very bad day. Its the basic food chain. If a lion gets killed by a Hyena it dose not make the hyena the preditor since that was a lucky kill, where in normal circumstances the lion would have eaten the hyena

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its the prey that gets killed and I'm a student =D Prey is the term used for the organism killed during predation.