Some furries may prefer to stay in character and communicate non-verbally as their character when wearing a fursuit. This can be a way to fully embrace their character and enhance the overall cosplay experience. Additionally, the fursuit head may make it difficult to speak clearly or be heard by others.
boy stop
it depends on the chicken some do stop but after their older and some might not stop laying but they will slow down (not lay as frequent)
Get some bitter apple spray. You can find it a most pet stores
Are you telling the truth? I think you're lion. Stop lion around!
To stop your hair from going in a Bunsen burner or chemical of some sort
Give him his three some
Uh... Stop talking to her?
Uh... Stop talking to her?
stop talking about it!!
it is disirable to stop talking when you swallow because you can choke.
i have a hedach can you please stop talking
Stop talking.
Oh, dude, stopping talking to imaginary friends is easy - just stop talking to them. Like, seriously, just don't engage in conversations with people who aren't actually there. It's like breaking up with a ghost, except you don't need to change your phone number. Just, you know, talk to real people instead.
ask them to stop it, if it doesn't work then stop talking to them and they wont have anything to gossip about
if you stop talking then it probably is. even a cow could have figured that out
It means keep your mouth shut and stop talking nonsense
no theydont they only stop talking when they are playing the quiet game or silent ball if your daughter doesnt stop talking do what i did and get ear muffs i might work for you as it did for me but if it does you have problems