Because of their surface area to be small hence requre enogh oxygen
Rats have a high metabolic rate because they are small animals with a relatively large surface area-to-volume ratio, leading to faster heat loss and requiring more energy to maintain their body temperature. Additionally, rats are active creatures with quick movements, which also contributes to their high metabolic needs.
Rats have a higher metabolic rate than frogs.
Relative metabolic rate must be the rate that an individual's body processes chemicals per unit of mass of their body.
A bunny's metabolic rate is typically higher than that of larger animals, allowing them to maintain their body temperature and energy levels. This higher metabolism is necessary for their small size and constant activity.
A hummingbird's heart rate can range from 250 to 1200 beats per minute, depending on its activity level. This rapid heartbeat is necessary to support their high metabolic rate and energy demands.
Yes, rats are considered r-strategists due to their high reproductive rate, ability to adapt to various environments, and focus on producing large numbers of offspring with little parental care.
Rats have a higher metabolic rate than frogs.
High metabolic rate need a lot of energy. So this is supplied by respiration
due to high metabolic activities
No, they have a high metabolic rate compared to reptiles. Trust me, i have a biology book in front of me.
Building muscle tissue through anaerobic exercise is the best way to ensure a high calorie-burning metabolic rate.
Building muscle tissue through anaerobic exercise is the best way to ensure a high calorie-burning metabolic rate.
Building muscle tissue through anaerobic exercise is the best way to ensure a high calorie-burning metabolic rate.
Building muscle tissue through anaerobic exercise is the best way to ensure a high calorie-burning metabolic rate.
Energy-restricted diets led to lowering of the metabolic rate and body temperature
The survival rate of rats undergoing surgery is typically high, with most studies reporting rates above 90.
Thyroid Gland