Rabbits might give a loud thump with their hind legs to show that this is their territory, and they would like you to stay away. A rabbit will also do this behavior to show displeasure of something, such as an empty food bowl that it would like you to fill. Be cautious if your rabbit is thumping its feet repeatedly toward you - a bunny may thump so hard that it could break one of its hind feet. Some rabbits do do this quite a lot but it's not really anything to be majorly worried about as in most cases it will probably just mean leave me alone.
Running circles around you is a sign of affection.
There are two reasons why rabbits circle your feet.
The animal that thumps its feet to warn others is the rabbit. They thump their hind feet on the ground to alert other rabbits of potential danger or to communicate agitation.
Rabbits will warn nearby rabbits of danger by thumping their back feet. They will do this when they feel threatened and scared or notice something unusual.
No, rabbits can't live on concrete. Concrete is too hard for a rabbit's feet, in the long term. Rabbits don't have pads on their feet to protect them from hard surfaces. Rabbits naturally spend their time on grass and dirt and other soft surfaces. Rabbits that spend too much time on hard surfaces like concrete suffer from sore hocks (injuries on their heels).
They can be a little over 2 feet long.
is it that pet rabbits feet are black from below i have white rabbits and there feet are yellow :P
Many words that rhyme with feet rhyme with rabbits feet you just need to change the words slightly. One example of this is feet and complete rhyme so change complete to incomplete and it rhymes with rabbits feet!
Rabbits can be 9 inches to 2 feet.
Like most other animals, rabbits/bunnies have 4 feet (paws).
The animal that thumps its feet to warn others is the rabbit. They thump their hind feet on the ground to alert other rabbits of potential danger or to communicate agitation.
A circle with a radius of 14 feet has an area of 615.75 square feet.
Circle with a radius of 8 feet equals a circle with a diameter of 16 feet.
Many rabbits suffer from a condition called olfactory hypersensitivity. This condition in turn makes rabbits appear shy. Consequently, rabbits fear and avoid feet whenever possible.
Rabbits feet are for hopping on, in other words, transportating itself around. Also his/her feet are for digging, scratching themselves, and fighting. Emma
Area of circle: 81*pi square feet
The circumference of a circle = pi*diameter. 6 feet 3 inches = 6.25 feet, pi*6.25 = 19.63495408 feet or the circumference of the circle is nearly 20 feet.