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It's not wrong to train a dog to salivate at the ring of a bell for an experiment in association, and it's not wrong to teach a chimpanzee to communicate via sign language. But I find it is wrong to feed the animal a chemical that could potentially harm them, just for the sake of guessing what effect it will have on humans. Same goes for rats when scientists mess with their brains to see if they can still run in a maze.

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βˆ™ 14y ago
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βˆ™ 10y ago

Psychologists use animals in research studies for quite a few reasons. Animals have real-life reactions just like humans would have.

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βˆ™ 12y ago

Animals can stand for simplified models which apply to humans. The closer the animal is to us evolutionarily, the more similar.

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Q: Why psychologists use animals in research?
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Psychologists use a variety of equipment depending on their specialty and work setting. Commonly used equipment includes computers for assessment and research, therapeutic tools such as biofeedback devices or play therapy materials, and standardized tests for assessment purposes. Some psychologists may also use tools like neuroimaging machines (e.g., fMRI) for brain research.

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Should psychologists use research to influence public policyeducation and other aspects of human behavior?

Yes, psychologists should use research to inform public policy, education, and other aspects of human behavior. Evidence-based practices grounded in research can lead to more effective policies and interventions that better address societal issues and promote well-being. It is important for psychologists to communicate their findings to policymakers and the public in order to make informed decisions based on scientific evidence.

Why do psychologists perform research?

Psychologists perform research to better understand human behavior, mental processes, and relationships. Research helps psychologists identify patterns, trends, and correlations in human cognition and behavior, leading to the development of more effective interventions and treatments. Conducting research also allows psychologists to contribute new knowledge to the field and advance the discipline.

The only way psychologists can establish cause-and-effect relationships through research is by carrying out?

Often, psychologists carry out core relational research. This is really the only way that they can establish cause and effect relationships.

What are christians attitudes to the use of animals in medical research?

As a religion we dislike the use of animals. But individual views differ.