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so they wont get wet

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Q: Why do lynx create their dens in crevices or under ledges?
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Where does a lynx sleep?

They mainly live in mountainous areas and pine forests. They sleep in dens, usually created under ledges or in clefts (also known as crevices or fissures).

When do Iberian lynxes sleep?

A lynx is more apt to sleep in a tree than on the ground. A lynx might also sleep in a cave if one can be found. The lynx is a predatory cat that roams wherever it can find food.

How do panda bears build their shelter?

Giant pandas do not have shelters or permanent dens, they reside in rock crevices and hollow trees.

Do komodo dragons have dens?

no they don't they are kinda loners and live under trees or Bush's but not in dens

Do raccoons live in dens and holes?

It must live in a den because everything in there is dark and they need everything to be dark because it's the same color as their fur

What do beavers sleep in?

Beavers create little dens where they sleep and hibernate.

Where do raccoons make there dens?

Raccoons are opportunistic and will use a variety of locations for a den including abandoned burrows of other animals, hollow trees, caves, rock crevices, storm sewers, abandoned buildings, attics, etc.

Where does the ghost bat live?

I guess... they live in dark places like dens,etc....or,might be they don't use to come in our world.

Where do wolf-eels like to hang out?

Wolf eels like to hang out in moderate and shallow depths. They specifically like making lairs and dens within the crevices of rocky areas like bottom shelves and rocky coral.

How do skunks have their babies?

Skunks give birth in dens. In nature, the den can be created from an inside an old log, under large rocks, or in another animals abandoned den such as a rabbit or groundhog hole. Unfortunately in crawl spaces under houses, under sheds, and around other human dwellings often make good shelters to create a den. Ultimately the dens will be in a quiet secluded area sheltered from the weather.

Does the bobcat biuld a home?

No, it usually dens up under fallen trees or caves, but does not build a den. Cats are incapable of building dens, but accept any natural cavity available.

Do wolves live under dead trees?

Wolves do dig dens, particularly females about to whelp.