Because theres so many of them <3 they need 2 breath too you know.
A llama can spit around 45 feet while an alpaca can only spit around 10 feet so a llama can spit farther.
Many of them used chewing tobacco, which causes the mouth to make more spit. So unless they wanted to swallow the gunk, they had to spit it out.
Um. Great question! I don't think they are, because a lot of Farmers have them on their farms. So, No they aren't.
Llamas are cool because they are sociable, intelligent, and have unique personalities. They are also known for their gentle nature and efficient adaptability to various environments. Additionally, llamas have a distinctive appearance with their long necks, expressive eyes, and fluffy coats, making them a popular favorite among animal lovers.
well llamas only spit when they're angry so if the cow makes it angry i guess it could.
Camels may spit as a defense mechanism when they feel threatened or agitated, but it is not a common behavior. It is more common for camels to spit at each other as a way to establish dominance or hierarchy within their group.
Camels, like llamas, can spit very well and precisely. They are also very fast, so they can outrun most animals that they will encounter in the parts of the Sahara Desert where they live.
That is the cud that they chew. It is food that is partially chewed, then swallowed, then regurgitated later to be chewed on some more. That is how many grain-eating animals manage to digest so much fiber.
Llamas have a coarse and dense outer coat, which is not fluffy like a sheep's wool. However, they may have a softer and finer undercoat that can be somewhat fluffy.
camels are definetley better than llamas because llamas have wird teeth and all they do all day is sleep,eat, and spit. Camels have walked miles in deserts, so they deserve credit there. Although llamas may have some advantages over its camel cousin, in the long run, I would say that camels are definetley better than llamas.
I actually have llamas so I know what they do when they get mad. For one thing they spit, another thing is they WILL chase you. I use them to scare away coyotes.
YES! Llamas are classified as ruminants- herbivorous animals that chew their cud. Llamas have a three chambered stomach... when they eat grass, hay or other vegetation they partially digest it and then regurgitate their food (like a cow) Llamas are also known to spit when they are annoyed, so be careful! That wad of regurgitated food has acidic enzymes.. if you get spat in the face, it'll be pretty gross!
Chihuahuas don't like spit at all, actually. They hate it so much. I think they hate spit so much is because they think it's water, plus it comes out of your mouth, which disgust them. I have a Chihuahua myself, so I know. Hope this helps.
Parturition is a medical/veterinary term for birth. So the parturition of llamas would be when little llamas come out of pregnant llamas.
when green house gases get far to much the llamas will replace all vehicles with the diapers and bags over their bums so that the streets are not polluted with poo. They will not only replace ground vehicles but also aeroplanes and submarines. that also includes boats and hellecopters. this means that they will have to wear uber cute floaties to stay above water so they don't die. and because they are pure awesomeness when the sheep try to take over the world with the Austrian nerds in tights... the llamas will become kung fu llamas and they will spit in their eyes and shred their tights so they will cry for their mummys and the flying sharks will be turned to cheese. ALL HAIL! TOILETS REIGN SURPREME! when green house gases get far to much the llamas will replace all vehicles with the diapers and bags over their bums so that the streets are not polluted with poo. They will not only replace ground vehicles but also aeroplanes and submarines. that also includes boats and hellecopters. this means that they will have to wear uber cute floaties to stay above water so they don't die. and because they are pure awesomeness when the sheep try to take over the world with the Austrian nerds in tights... the llamas will become kung fu llamas and they will spit in their eyes and shred their tights so they will cry for their mummys and the flying sharks will be turned to cheese. ALL HAIL! TOILETS REIGN SURPREME!
Llamas rock so go die in a hole