Yes, the majority of insect species lay eggs for reproduction. Insects typically lay eggs in various locations, ranging from on plants to inside other organisms, depending on the species. The eggs hatch into larvae or nymphs, which then develop into adult insects.
Yes, centipedes lay eggs. The female centipede will typically lay her eggs in a hidden location, such as underground or in decaying plant matter, where they are safe from predators.
Ducks usually lay their eggs in a nest made from grass, leaves, and feathers. They will choose a secluded spot near water, such as by a pond or stream, to build their nest and lay their eggs.
Many different types of animals lay eggs. It is not possible to list them all. Insects, most fish, amphibians, birds, and reptiles all lay eggs, as do many others. Some mammals - namely the platypus and the echidna - also lay eggs.
An ovipositor is a tube-like organ that some female insects use to lay their eggs. It is typically located at the end of the abdomen and is used to deposit eggs into a suitable environment for development.
thye normally lay eggs near the edge of water in a pond, lake, or pond -Angel(:
o yes insects do lay eggs
Yes, the majority of insect species lay eggs for reproduction. Insects typically lay eggs in various locations, ranging from on plants to inside other organisms, depending on the species. The eggs hatch into larvae or nymphs, which then develop into adult insects.
Yes all insects lay eggs.
Yes. Lady beetles are insects which lay eggs.
Female insects deposit eggs in a different ways depending on the species of insect. Some insects lay eggs on the ground, some lay eggs in the water and on leaves, and some female insects bury their eggs.
Insects lay eggs and then leave them.
Shortly after the mating season, most insects lay their eggs.
An average pond turtle lays about 8 eggs but they can lay as few as 1.
Yes insects lay eggs in many different ways and places and spiders (arachnids) lay eggs in spun cases called egg sacks. I completely changed it ;/
pond snails are both girl and boy, so in order to lay eggs, they mate WITH THEIR SELVES and then they lay the eggs in a "jelly like mass" and in about three to four weeks, the eggs hatch