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Maybe because lions kill human at times and the humans are wanting to protect there lifes.

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2mo ago

Humans may kill lions for various reasons, such as self-defense, protecting livestock, or as part of illegal poaching activities. In some cases, lions are hunted for sport or to obtain trophies. Encroachment of human settlements into lion habitats can also lead to human-lion conflicts resulting in the killing of lions.

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11y ago

Not normally will they go after a human, but they have killed humans in the past.

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Q: Why do humans kill lions?
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Can humans kill lions?

yeah humans can make guns and kill lions from a distance

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Technically, lions can kill a cheetah and eat it...but it doesn't happen. Humans kill cheetahs, but they don't usually eat them.

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Lion: the lions worstest enimie is the hyena they will fight to the death. Lions kill hyenas and hyenas kill lions.from yameem hoque (proffesinal wildlife Expert)