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Well honey, guys are weird around girls because they either like them or they have serious issues! Take it from someone who knows. This guy (who is now my husband) always acted weird around me. I thought he just did that because he wanted to impress his friends or show off. Then one day after school, he told me how he really felt about me. After that, we have been dating and now we're happily married!So this guy is probably acting weird around you because he likes you. If you like him too, then tell him-you never know where it will lead!;)

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14y ago

liberated girls find them boring...but for more educated girls, of course they will find wierd interesting..

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Q: Why do girls think boys are weird?
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no i don't agree because it is weird when the girls ask out the boys. the boys are the one who are supost to ask out the girls not the girls asking out the boys. that is not how it work.

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No! it looks weird!

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No, girls should be able to do anything boys can do!

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Because we (girls) are weird creatures. And there's a lot of science involved and stuff that makes us think differently.Don't think of it as thinking differently, think of it as we view things from a different perspective.

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Its weird

Why girls are wierd?

Actually, not all girls are weird. Most girls are weird because of their natural tendency to be more intelligent than athletic. Most girls will, naturally, find boys weird, for their usual love of sport and video games.

Why do girls constantly think I'm weird?

Hmmm...maybe you do odd things that weird girls out maybe?

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Well they feel as if they are weird things that girls go through because they choose to go through them but some know why but they think that it is strange.