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13y ago

To eat the roots.

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Q: Why do elephants push down trees?
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Do zoos feed elephants Christmas trees?

Some zoos may provide elephants with Christmas trees as enrichment items, but they are not a regular part of their diet. Elephants typically consume a diet of hay, fruits, vegetables, and specially formulated elephant pellets to meet their nutritional needs. Feeding them Christmas trees should be done under the guidance of zookeepers and nutritionists to ensure it is safe for the elephants.

What is heavier a tree or elephant?

mammoth's weigh more but they are exstinked CORRECT ANSWER: Animals living today that are bigger than elephants are aquatic. They are: Blue whale Sperm whale Whale shark Right whale Finback whale Humpback whale

Do elephants lay down?

Yes, elephants do lie down to rest, usually for short periods of time. They can also lie down to sleep, especially in a safe and comfortable environment.

How are elephants helpful?

Elephants are helpful in various ways, such as dispersing seeds through their dung, creating paths in the forest for other animals, and shaping the landscape by uprooting trees and clearing vegetation. Additionally, elephants are important for ecotourism, which provides economic benefits for local communities and helps fund conservation efforts.

What do elephants do with their tusks?

Elephants use their tusks for a variety of activities such as digging for water and roots, stripping bark from trees, and defending themselves from predators or threats. In some cases, male elephants also use their tusks during dominance displays or combat with other males.

Related questions

Can a bear cut down trees?

They can push small or weak trees over but bears are not beavers.

What are the pests that damage trees?

Various animals and insects have the ability to damage trees. This ranges from termites, ants, various types of beetles all the way up to elephants (which often push over or use trees as scratching posts).

Can elephants pull out trees and flowers?

Yes, they can pull out trees and flowers. Elephants have very strong trunks.

What is it that elephants and trees have?


What trees do elephants eat the bark off of?

Baobab trees

What elephants eat?

Elephants eat the leafs of trees and fruit some herbs

Are elephants very healthy?

yes elephants are healthy as they eat trees and leafs

Do elephants make there own food?

No. Elephants eat leaves off of trees.

How do female elephants eat?

The same as male elephants: grasses, waterplants, shrubs, tree leaves - even bark if hungry enough. As well as grazing by plucking grasses with their trunks, elephants will browse on low thorny shrubs. They will even break off tree branches and push over small trees to get at the leaves.

Where does elephants grow?

elephants tend to grow on trees if this answer is not correct look it up on google

Do elephants eat acacia trees?

no; there are carnivores

Why do elephants have a diet of leaves and trees?

They have a diet of leaves, trees and grasses, because they are herbivores.