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Because a horse's skin is either black, grey o r chestnut, that depends on the horse colour, so the horse colour is going to be a mix between them or one of them.

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The stripe is created by the following combinations of the dun gene acting upon an underlying base coat color.

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Q: Why do dun horses have a black stripe down its back?
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What is a dorsal stripe?

A dorsal stripe is a dark stripe that runs along the spine of some animals, such as horses or donkeys. It is a characteristic feature of certain breeds and can vary in width and intensity.

What is Sorrel or Bay?

sorrel- a horse with a redish brown coat color. NO BLACK AT ALL. there can be white leg and face markings bay- a horse with a reddish brown coal with a black main, tail, and stripe down the back

Where does the name Dunn used with horses come from?

The name Dunn in relation to horse coloration comes from the word "dundin" which means a dull or dingy brown color. Horses with a dun coat typically have a body color of yellowish or tan with primitive markings such as dorsal stripes and leg barring. The term has been used for centuries to describe this specific coat color in horses.

You have found a brown spider with a thick white stripe down its back can anyone help you find out what it is please you live in the UK?

The brown spider with a thick white stripe down its back sounds like a Zebra Spider (Salticus scenicus). It is a common jumping spider found in the UK. Zebra spiders are known for their distinctive black and white striped markings on their bodies. They are harmless to humans and are beneficial as they help control insect populations.

What is a blaze for horses?

A blaze is a large white marking on a horse's face, typically running down the middle from the forehead to the nose. It is a common coat marking and can come in different shapes and sizes.

Related questions

What colour is a przewalski horse?

all przewalkis horses are dun (cream with a black mane and tail) and a black stripe down the back (dorsal stripe).

What is a dorsal stripe?

A dorsal stripe is a dark stripe that runs along the spine of some animals, such as horses or donkeys. It is a characteristic feature of certain breeds and can vary in width and intensity.

What is a dun horses markings called?

Well theres the stripe down the back called a 'list', 'stripe', 'or eel stripe'. Then there are the bars on the legs these are often just called bars or 'zebra bars'.

What color is a Przewalski horse?

They are a dun colour usually with a black dorsal stripe down their back.

What do skunks beside the striped skunk look like?

black with a white stripe down the back

What animal that lives in the desert is brown with a black stripe down its back?

It is most likely a Gemsbok which is in the Antelope family.

Why do pandas black around there eyes?

They don't. That is a natural color of their fur, like the stripe down the back of a skunk.

What bird as black stripe down its throat too its belly which is black bordered by white and brown speckled over back about as big as a lapwing?


What breed of wasp has a wide black stripe running down its back?

From your description, it sounds like either a Hornet or a Cicada Killer.

What type of caterpillar is black furry with a thin yellow stripe down the back?

From the sound of it you have a Garden Tiger Moth.

What animal has spots a stripy tail and a black stripe down its back?

Methinks a skunk, as far as I know.

What type of grasshopper has an orange stripe down the back?

An Eastern lubber is a type of grasshopper that has an orange stripe down the back.Specifically, the insect in question (Romalea guttata) carries an orange, red or yellow stripe down the back during the post-egg and pre-adult stages. The overall body color otherwise is black. As an adult, the eastern lubber takes on one of three main body colors. A black body will have red or yellow stripes, a bright orange will showcase black markings, and a dull yellow will sport black marks or spots.