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This probably is not what is happening. Your dog knows and loves you (especially if you are the alpha dog-- you are the alpha dog in the pack, right?). Is seems your dog may be very well adjusted to the presence of other people, and he/she enjoys people. This is a very good thing, and far better than having a dog that is not well socialized.

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17y ago
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12y ago

some dogs are scared of strangers because they might not know who the person is .And when the strange person touches the dog the dog gets scared because when a person touches a dog the dog can see a very big and coming towards the dog. And that is why dogs are scared of strangers .

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14y ago

There are many reasons why a dog may not like other dogs. They may be territorially threatened or threatened in some other way, or even just intimidated. They may be aggressive or violent, they may have food aggression, they may be antisocial or suffer from anxiety due to bad exposures or no exposures with other dogs. There are as many reasons as there are dogs. A common problem with aggression toward other dogs is a lack of exposure. Dogs need to interact with other dogs when they are young to avoid aggression or anxiety toward them in later life.

There are many dogs who like other dogs or at least tolerate them due to proper training and exposure. It's the same way with dogs and cats. If they are raised around each other and trained well around them, they can get along very well.

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14y ago

Partially for the same reasons you like certain people over others... they're nicer to you, etc... and partially for their own inscrutable doggy reasons. Perhaps some people smell more interesting than others.

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16y ago

Because they don't

Try to answer this question, "Why don't some people like other people?"

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16y ago

its their senses, and most times they are right, unless the dog always wants attention from the owner and gets jealous of other people.

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15y ago

dogs lick people to let you know that they love you as an owner

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14y ago

because of there bond with them and how long they have known them.

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