Dogs sniff each others butts because it is their way of saying hello
a cat do not smell another cats bums
Dogs smell their own butt and the butts of other dogs as a way to gather information about each other. They have special scent glands in their anal region that produce a unique odor that carries important social and health information. It's a natural behavior for dogs to sniff each other's butts as a form of communication and identification.
There are two cats in the room. Each of the eight cats has a tail, so there are a total of eight tails. However, since each tail belongs to a cat, there are only two cats in the room.
Dogs sniff each others butts because it is their way of saying hello
Seperate them. They are fighting to show dominance.
they sniff each others bum
To find out what sex
sniff each others butts and things
To communicate, lions sniff each other and roar.
Cats recognize each other be scent, so cats often go right up to each other and sniff each other when they meet. If the two cats like each other, often they will rub their cheeks together as well.
They sniff each others ainal holes and urinate on each other.
they pooed their pants and smelled each others poo so that they could tell things about them (i.e) ( sniff sniff mmmmmm you ate corn!)
It's their from of saying 'Hello' like we shake hands
They sniff each others butts, like other dogs.
they are cats&they are weird. bahahaha :]