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Because they desperately want to be stalking and killing said birds, most likely. Cats are born hunters, and will often kill just for the fun of it. Basically, that quivering chirping is an expression of combined excitement and desire.

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16y ago
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6mo ago

Cats make funny sounds when they see birds because they are excited and stimulated. The meowing can be a sign of hunting instincts being triggered, frustration at not being able to reach the bird, or just general excitement. It's a natural behavior for cats to vocalize in response to stimuli like birds.

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10y ago

The cackle sound a cat makes when it sees birds is more of a clicking noise. Cats do this when stalking prey such as birds, bugs, and even squirrels. It is normal behavior for cats and is called chatter.

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12y ago

I am no doc but it mainly wants to eat it

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Q: Why do cats meow funny when they look at birds?
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Why do cats meow differently when they see birds?

Most cats won't meow at birds. That scares the birds away and cats don't want to scare away the birds. They want to catch the birds. My cats sit at the kitchen window watching birds and they don't meow. They cackle or chatter! It is absolutely funny to watch them cackle or chatter at the birds. I don't know how they could ever catch a bird.

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Cats carry socks and meow in a funny way because it triggers their natural hunting instincts. They see socks as prey and bringing them to their humans showcases their hunting prowess. The funny meowing could be their way of communicating excitement or seeking attention.

Do cats only meow around people?

No. Cats will vocalize around other cats, and a mother cat will meow to call her kittens.

What are other names for meow meow?

a cats voice

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Birman cats do not meow a lot; in fact, they are known for being docile and quiet.

Do Himalayan kittens meow?

Yes, all kittens meow even cats meow.

How do cats meow?

by their mouth

How do you meow like cats?

what you do is you say ow not meow in a cat pitch.

What time period did saber-toothed cats appear?

meow. meow.

What causes allergy to cats?

taking too much meow meow

Do birds meow?


What cat can not meow?

All domestic cats meow. Some breeds meow more than others. You can look up what cat breeds meow often and which ones rarely meow. But it mainly depends on your cat. Not just it's breed, it's personality too can depend on how often it meows.