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Hello there, id say it has to do with grooming and picking up hair by the tongue. I used to work at a pet store if that's any help. But maybe asking a vet would be better. Anyway that's all i have to say lol. :oD Catch!

Well; cats may have rough tongues to this as an extra; but it's shown that they have rough tongues which actually have some kind of small cup like bits on their tongues which allow them to lap up water because their tongues are so small unlike dogs who have larger tongues allowing them to drink water alot easier without the need for these cup like bits.

Cats are particular about cleanliness and the rough tongues help with this. Dogs are more laid back and wait for people to wash them.

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15y ago

they are usually not, they just feel that way to your skin, it feels that way because of their rough tongue. They get more spit on it when they're grooming their fur to keep it in place, but if they lick you, they don't really need it, you could say.

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It means they're pleased

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12y ago

they dont.dogs do

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Q: Why do cats let their tongue hang out?
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Why does your cats tongue hang out?

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What is the difference between human and animal tongue?

The difference between a cats tongue and a dogs tongue is that a cats tongue is rough and looks like there is little teeth on the tongue. The dogs tongue is smoother than a cats and is most of the time longer than a cats tongue. Also a dogs tongue can be different colours. It seems to be said also that a dogs tongue can heel a wound.

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There's problems with this, but in some senses, accomodations can be reached. They will probably not be inclined to be "lap kitties", and they'll want to be outdoor cats, but they'll "let" you set out a bowl for them, and hang around your house in general.

Why do cats have no toungs?

All cats--wild or domesticated-- have a tongue. They use it to lick and to drink water. They bathe with their tongues and clean their babies. Just like in humans, the tongue helps cats to eat and swallow.

Why dogs hang out their tongue in summer?

Temperature regulation is a critical tongue function for a dog. Since they don't sweat, dogs cool themselves predominantly through their tongue.

Why do cats drink loudly?

When cats drink, they stick their ngue in the water, cup the tongue, pull it back into thier mouth and then swallow it. What you are hearing is the impact of the tongue against the water.

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Why is a cat's tongue rougher than a dog's tongue?

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How do house cats exhibit homeostasis?

A cat will clean itself with its tongue. This is the reason that cats have "sand paper tongue." A cat will lick itself clean. This is how a cat represents homeostasis Locked by Brwoser Lock.