Probably from meowing too much, mainly when its cold. My cat Tigger lost his voice after my cat Uno died and he didn't know what happened to her so he kept mewing for her and then he lost his voice for awhile, about two weeks.
Cats are aggressive when you get to close to their babies.
Cats are more like cats.
indoor cats yes, outdoor cats **** no.
My cats have never done this, I have a few cats.
its mainly an opinion, but cats with no hair don't shed and cats with hair usually do.
cats cats cats cats cats cats cats cats cats cats cats cats cats
clowder of cats clutter of cats glaring of cats pounce of cats dout of cats (house cats) nuisance of cats (house cats) kendle of cats (kittens) kindle of cats (kittens) litter of cats (kittens) destruction of cats (wild cats)
Cats are aggressive when you get to close to their babies.
they are more of cats then dogs but they are not cats
Cats are more like cats.
There are pet cats and stray cats but no big cats in Jamaica.
cats, they were not able to cats. cats.
me, i love cats
yes wild cats are as fastidious as house cats
Feral cats are cats that have been born in the wild but were once descendants of domesticated cats
Yes, many cats are house cats. You can count all adopted cats as house cats, since they belong to households.
they are cats