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The queen honey bee can lay over 1000 eggs per day. A colony of bees can contain up to 80000 workers and they only live for about six weeks in the summer as they literally work themselves to death, therefore it is necessary to continually replace the dying bees otherwise the colony numbers will dwindle and it will die out eventually.

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3mo ago

Bees lay many eggs to ensure the survival and growth of the colony. By producing a large number of offspring, bees can replace aging or dying members, increase the colony's population, and boost their chances of success in foraging, defending the hive, and raising young. This reproductive strategy helps maintain a healthy and strong bee population.

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Do you mean "Why do fish lay so many eggs at one time? The reason fish lay so many eggs at one time is survival. The more eggs that a female lays the better chance more eggs will have a chance to survive.

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Do you mean so many eggs? If so, that question is already answered.

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