The farmer's daughter watched the lazy cows to ensure they were not wandering off, getting into trouble, or causing damage to the farm. It is a part of her responsibility to take care of the animals on the farm and make sure they are safe and well cared for.
Some farmers may refer to them as Brood Cows.
The place where cows are milked is called a milking parlor or a milking shed. This is where farmers can safely and efficiently extract milk from the cows.
Cattleman or cattlewoman. Not farmer because not all farmers have cows, and it wouldn't be "producer" either because we're talking about someone who works with cows, not owns them.
pretty much every country that has farmers.!!
The farmer's daughter liked to see the meat loaf.
so that farmers can watch the food digest inside the cows stomach and make foods that digest easier.
cows watch cows
it mean that you are a farmers daughter
The cows are maybe too weak to care for or the farmer wants the meat. dead cows rawk !!
The farmer's daughter liked to see the meat loaf.
Farmers and ranchers often feed the cows. However cows are able to feed themselves when they're out grazing on pasture.
The farmer's daughter watched the lazy cows to ensure they were not wandering off, getting into trouble, or causing damage to the farm. It is a part of her responsibility to take care of the animals on the farm and make sure they are safe and well cared for.
Some farmers may refer to them as Brood Cows.