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Perseus was one of the earliest heroes of myth. As a demigod, he had power and resources other mortals didn't have, making him ideal for monster-slaying. Of course, he was sent on the mission with the intention that it would kill him.

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Q: Why could perseus only kill medusa?
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Why did Athena kill Medusa?

Athena didn't kill Medusa. Perseus is the hero who did that. Athena only turned Meduas into a monster.

What Gorgon did Perseus kill?

Perseus killed the Gorgon Medusa, the only one who could be killed. The 2 others were immortal.

What is the purpose for perseus and medusa?

There was no purpose for either Medusa or Perseus. Medusa was the only mortal Gordon (dreadful female creatures) whose eyes turned people to stone. That is all there was to her. She probably liked to just mind her own business. Perseus was sent to kill her and fetch her head by a king. The king wanted to get rid of him and thought he would be killed by Medusa. Perseus managed to kill her thanks to the help of the gods Zeus, Hermes and Athena.

Which characters are in perseus and Medusa?

okay here's all that I know... Perseus - the hero medusa - the non-human demon/monster the 3 grey sisters - they only have one eye and one tooth between them and Perseus steals it from them in order to be told where medusa's lair is two gods/godesses - the donors who give perseus his shoes and sword to kill medusa. perseus' mum - she is captured by the evil king evil king ( can't remember name!!) - is in love with perseus' mum but she refuses to marry him so he captures her. thats all of them, i think:)

Was Medusa imortal?

Medusa was the only one of the three sisters that wasn't immortal. She was killed by Perseus.

What did Medusa guarded?

Medusa did not guard anything, she was simply the only mortal Gorgon that King Polydektes of Seriphos could send Perseus to kill.

What were Medusa's interests?

We do not know what Medusa's interests were. We only know that she was the only mortal gorgon (dreadful female creatures) that her eyes turned people to stone and that Perseus killed her.

What was the mythology story of Medusa?

Medusa was once a beautiful women. She said she was more beautiful than Athena. Poseiden saw her and fell in love with her. They met up at Athena's Temple and had intercourse. Athena was jealous and upset of medusa's beauty and turned her into an ugly dragon like monster with venomous snakes for hair and protruding teeth. Athena also turned Medusa's sisters into ugly monsters too. Athena made Medusa so ugly that any mortal that looked at her, turned to stone. Well, one day a guy named Perseus had a wife and a god threatened to feed her to the kraken(a sea monster). Perseus needed to kill medusa in order to kill the kraken. so the gods helped perseus by giving him armor. when Perseus was walking in the woods, he suddenly saw Medusa and he lifted his armor up that the armor was so bright that Medusa saw her reflection and was turned to stone. So perseus killed medusa and killed the kraken and him and his wife got married,and they lived happily ever after. butthats not all the story for more information go to BRILLIANT SITE Actually your story is almost correct. Poseidon took Medusa in Athena's temple, Medusa begged for Athena's comfort but she refused because of how beautiful Medusa was. She turned Medusa into a disgusting creature so no man would ever look at her again without being turned to stone. Perseus the son of Zeus was chosen to kill the Kraken, how he had to do this was go to Medusa's lair, which only men could enter. He cut off her head which he used to turn the Kraken into stone, being that the Kraken had no weakness.. The Kraken was the own blood of Haities, god of the underworld.

What are Medusa's weaknesses?

Going off the Greek myth, where Medusa's slain? A shiny shield sent by Apollo or Athena, i forget which. Going back in her lifetime, making out with a god in Aphrodite's temple was possibly a bad move too.

How did the gorgon sisters die?

only medusa died cause perseus killed her. the other two were immortal.

What does Perseus repesent?

Perseus did not represent anything. He was one of various heroic legendary figures of Greek mythology. His name and the name of other character in the legend was used to name some constellations (Cassiopeia, Andromeda and Pegasus). Perseus was sent by the king of the island of Serifos to kill and bring the head of Medusa, the only mortal Gorgon (dreadful female creatures). Medusa's eyes turned people into stone. The king sent Perseus on this mission to get rid of Perseus. However, with the help of the gods Zeus, Hermes and Athena, he managed to kill Medusa. Perseus travelled to Mauritania and then to Aethiopia. Perseus rescued Andromeda, the daughter of king and Queen Cassiopeia from a Cetus, a sea serpent who destroyed man and beast. To accomplish this he used winged sandals which Hermes had given him. In Renaissance version of the legend Perseus, instead, flew riding Pegasus, a winged horse .Perseus then married Andromeda. Perseus was the first legendary hero who defeated monsters. He was also the legendary founder of the Greek city of Mycenae.

What sprang out of medusa after her head was cut off?

Athena, a goddess did this to her. When Medusa was a very beautiful girl, she asked to visit the south. Athena did not let her. So then Medusa therantened her that she would dare say she was jealous of her beauty. Then Athens got mad and cursed with ugliness. She was so ugly whoever looks her in the eye will turn to stone.