

Why are there different types of bees?

Updated: 9/18/2023
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14y ago

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Well, Theres killer bees. And honey bees. Honey bees collect food for there family/home members. Killer bees protect the hive and also try to gather food honey bees dont sting. there nice =))

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Q: Why are there different types of bees?
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How many types of Bee are in a Honey Bee colony?

There are 10,000 20,000 different types of bees There are over 20,000 different species of bees. In every colony of bees, there are 3 different types of bees (the queen bee, the worker bee, and the drone.) Both the worker bee and the queen bee are female but only the queen bee reproduces. The drones, however, are all males. The drones are the one in charge of mating with the queen bee. The queen is in charge of laying eggs, and the worker bee is in charge of cleaning the the hive, taking care of the offspring, and feeding the colony by collecting pollen and nectar.

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Different types of flies (mainly domestic flies), Butterflies, Different bees (mainly Honey Bees), Cricket, Cockroaches, mantis, grasshoppers, flea etc.

What type of bees are there?

There are around 260 species of bee. These can be broken down into groups, for example there are 17 species of bumblebee. These groups include: * Sweat bees * Carpenter bees * Honeybees * Bumblebees * Stingless bees * Africanized bees * Leafcutter bees * Mason bees * Hornfaced bees * Cleptoparasitic bees * Cuckoo bees

The bees who are busy taking care of the hive and making honey are called?

I think those in particular are called Honey Bees. There are two different types of bees: the Honey Bee (or just the Bee) and the Bumble Bee.

What types of bees build hives inside trees?

Honey bees.

How many different bees are there?

There are over 20,000 known species of bees worldwide, with new species being discovered regularly.

Are all bees the same color?

No, honey contains some of the flavour compounds from the flowers from which the bees collected the nectar, so honeys from different sources have different flavours. Honey that you buy from your local supermarket has been blended and heat treated, so has lost most of the volatile flavour components. If you want to try real honey, get it from a beekeeper.

What are the types of bees involved in bee keeping?

a crap load

2 plants that blue baned bees polinate from?

they are like most bees and like many different types of flowers, except they love blue flowers hence the name blue banded bee.

Do bees sting bees?

it depends they might if two different type of bees.