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According to the Oxford dictionary, the name was originally applied to the Great Auk (from Newfoundland), which is now extinct. It's from a Welsh word pen gwyn (translates roughly to white heads).

There is an interesting entry in the Golden Hind's ship logs (Drake's famous ship). When the Golden Hind sailed through the Magellan Straights, Welsh sailors are said to have called the birds ("foule") pengwins. It's thought they mistook the penguins for Auks. Either that or they simply used the word pengwin because they resembled the Auk. Hard to say which it was. Regardless, the name stuck.

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Q: Why are penguins named penguins?
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the most famous penguins are mong2009, rockhopper and billybob i named my wiki account after him lol

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i think the navigation system Magellan was named after Ferdinand Magellan The Magellanic penguins were named after Ferdinand Magellan.

Why are penguins named magellanic penguins?

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Why are emperor penguins the largest penguin?

i don't think anyone knows. before they were named some were bigger so they were called emperor penguins.