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They may be too crowded. I have heard that mollies need 2-3 gallons per fish. My daughter's male dalmatian Mollie keeps nipping at the female and has killed 2 so far.

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7mo ago

Mollies, including dalmatian and black varieties, can exhibit aggressive behaviors, especially during breeding or territorial disputes. It's natural for them to establish a hierarchy in the tank. Providing ample hiding spaces, plants, and ensuring a balanced diet can help reduce aggression among your mollies. If aggression persists, consider separating aggressive individuals to different tanks.

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Q: Why are my dalmatian mollies and black mollies vicious?
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Do dalmatian mollies lose their white colour as they age?

Dalmatian mollies are just cross bred fish. Anything can happen to their colouring because their full parentage is not known.

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Goldfish should only live with goldfish except for a few exceptions such as a bristlenose pleco or apple snails for example

Will black mollies mate with silver mollies?

Yes they are the same species . The only difference it the colour. Just like a black person having children with a white person.

A Dalmatian dog is black and?

Black and White or Brown and White.

What does a Dalmatian symbolize?

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How do Black Mollies Give Birth?

Mollies actually give birth to live young, they are one of the few tropical fish species who do this.

Can black molly live in saltwater?

Yes, black mollies can be fully acclimated to saltwater.

What tropical fish are all black and 3 inches long?

Mollies and black bettas.

Do goldfish mate with black mollies?

no it will not mate in any couse