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because they're underground and they dont need to see

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6mo ago

Moles primarily rely on their sense of touch and smell to navigate their underground burrows. Their eyes are poorly developed because they spend most of their time underground in dark environments where sight is not as necessary.

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Q: Why are moles blind?
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Do rhinos have better eye sight than moles?

of course they can. moles are almost blind.

Are moles vicious?

no they are not vicious because they are blind and helplessno they are not vicious because they are blind and helpless

What desert do blind moles live in?

They live in the rainforest

Are star nose moles blind?

no they have eyes between there tenticals

Do the animal the moles have eyes?

Yes moles have eyes although they are typically covered or very small. Scientists believe moles can tell the difference between night and day but are otherwise blind.

What is an animal which is blind other than a bat?

Bats are not blind. Animals which live in caves and never come out are blind, like some fish and salamanders. Animals which live on the bottom of the ocean and never have any light are blind. Some moles and shrews are nearly blind.

Which mammals are born blind and helpless?

Well, most mammals (including humans) are considered blind when they are first born, bats are blind, and moles are almost blind. They can see underground but are blind above ground because the sun is too bright.

Do male moles have antlers?

no, if they did they would be dangerous. antlers are used for rutting in the antelope world, how can they rut underground,when they are supposedly blind?

Are Moles Blind?

Yes moles do have eyes but the never use them because they are always in the deep dark underground where they couldn't see a thing anyway so they use there oklou (which is the thing on the end of their nose) to sense where there going.

What animals are blind and dig underground?

Some animals that are blind and dig underground include mole rats, mole salamanders, and mole crickets. These animals have adapted to their subterranean lifestyle by relying on their other senses, such as touch and smell, to navigate their dark underground tunnels.

Do moles stink?

"yes u stupit child how do u think it gets around if its blind" Moles aren't actually blind!!!!!!!!! The European mole anyway! They have really good senses - excellent sense of smell, and touch, which more than makes up for their lack of sight. Furthermore, people aren't stupid for asking a question they do not know the answer too. -Training to be an exotic animal vet

Does starbus moles have eyes?

Although the star-nosed moles are blind, they do have eyes. They find their way around, and find their prey, by using the "feeler" on the end of their noses that are shaped like a many pointed star.