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They are hunted for their fur, teeth and bones.

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Cougars may be hunted for population management purposes in certain areas where they pose a threat to livestock or humans. Additionally, hunting cougars may be permitted for sport or trophy hunting in some regions where it is legal.

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Q: Why are cougars hunted?
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Why are eastern cougars in danger?

Eastern cougars were hunted to extinction in the beginning of the last century. The only surviving member of this race is the endangered Florida panther, of whom some 80 survive.

Why do people kill cougars?

Cougars are hunted for sport and killed because some people consider them a threat to livestock. Rarely one will be killed because it is considered a public safety threat.

What animal eats a cow and you eat?

Bears and cougars are hunted and eaten by humans, and they are animals that would prey on cattle.

How many people are killed by sheep?

mountain lions, cougars, and people

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A pony,like a horse is a prey animal. They eat grass and are hunted by predatory animals such as cougars and wolves.

What do humans do to cougars?

Cougars were excessively hunted in the past resulting in them being largely extirpated in eastern North America except for a pocket in Florida. Hunting of the cougar is banned in much of South America and highly regulated in the western US and Canada.

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Coyotes, wolves, cougars, bobcats, jaguars, alligators and large constrictor snakes will capture and eat a raccoon if the opportunity presents itself.

Why are some cougars endangered?

As any other wild cat they are hunted for there fur by poachers through illegal hunting and some habitats are destroyed leaving them homeless

Why are cougars getting extinct?

Conservation threats to the cougar include being hunted and killed due to persecution as a pest animal, loss of habitat, and depletion of their prey species.

Why are cougars on the endangered list?

Because humans have hunted them, destroyed their habitat and kill the animals that they need to eat to survive.

What would happen if it took a minute for a message to travel from a rabbit's brain to it's leg muscles?

it would die because if it moved slower it would be easilly hunted by cougars etc..

Why are cougars endangered?

Cougars are endangered because back then many were scared the cougars would kill their livestock, therefore many killed as many cougars as possible. Also with all these people moving in, it was too crouded and they slowly began to die that way also.People kill them for their fur to make clothes and other objects out of it.ffddfdfCougars are endangered cause people hunted for cougars long ago for skin and meat.