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They are not. Cattle (cows and heifers) are bred either via artificial insemination, or natural breeding.

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Q: Why are cattle bred by artificial selection?
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Cattle are bred to create offspring that produce a lot of milk. What is this an example of?

artificial selection

Why is cattle bred by artificial selection?

In order to give them optimal traits that will make them more resistant to disease and sickness.

What is the most common method for improving cattle breeds?

Artificial selection.

What method have farmers used over the years to breed leaner beef cattle?

Artificial selection.

What are owners of cattle herds who only choose to breed cows that produce the most milk are engaging in what selection?

Artificial selection and selective breeding.

What was the Collie first bred for?

They were bred for herding cattle.

What is a four letter word for raised cattle?

bred (As in you have bred the cattle)

Black coated cattle bred for beef?

Angus cattle

Cows that give more milk than other cows are an example of?

Natural variation, natural selection, artificial selection, genetic engineering, etc.

Has the the lion been exposed to the process of artificial selection?

Yes, lions have not been exposed to the process of artificial selection because they are wild animals and have not been bred selectively by humans for specific traits or characteristics. Artificial selection typically involves intentional breeding of domesticated animals or plants to enhance desirable traits.

What was the Australian Shepherd first bred for?

They were first bred to herd cattle.

Who invented dairy cattle?

No one. Dairy cattle where merely selected through the process of artificial selection from ancient breeds like the Celtic Shorthorn and the Aurochs, to produce more milk than what is needed to feed a calf.