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in my opinion i think its terrible to test on poor animals , but in a way there are two sides to it

it is obviously much better then having to test on a human, as it could harm them

but animals could get hurt too !

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3mo ago

Animals are used for testing due to ethical concerns and safety issues related to using humans. Animal testing is also used to predict how humans may respond to certain substances or treatments. Additionally, animals have similar biological systems to humans, making them valuable for studying diseases and drug development.

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Q: Why are animals used for testing on instead of humans?
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More explanation about should animals used for scientific researchs?

Using animals in scientific research can provide valuable insights into human and animal biology, leading to medical advances and discoveries that benefit both humans and animals. However, ethical considerations and the well-being of the animals involved must be carefully considered and regulated to minimize harm and ensure that alternatives are explored whenever possible. Transparency, accountability, and adherence to ethical guidelines are essential to balance the potential benefits of research with the welfare of animals.

How many animals are tested on every day?

It is difficult to provide an exact number as testing practices vary by country and institution. However, it is estimated that millions of animals are used in research and testing worldwide each year. Efforts are being made to reduce and refine animal testing practices wherever possible.

Why animals are used in fables?

Animals are often used in fables because they can represent human emotions, behaviors, and characteristics in a simple and relatable way. By using animals instead of humans, fables can convey moral lessons and truths in a way that is engaging and easily understood by a wide audience, including children. Using animals also allows fables to transcend cultural and societal boundaries.

What animals eat pachysandra?

This plant is not generally used for food by humans or animals. It has been noted that rabbits will eat pachysandra.

What animals helped build the pyramid?

The main animals that helped build the pyramid were humans. However, some animals like donkeys were used for transporting materials.

Related questions

How types of drugs tested on animals are now used on humans?

After testing and approval, then they can be used on humans.

Why do animals get used for testing and not humans?

Because it is believed that a human life is more important than an animal's life. People don't think of animals feeling pain, testing on humans seems worse than testing on animals. Most of the products are tested on on humans after they have been tested on animals.

Why are animals used for testing?

Animals are used because scientists want to spare humans. Most animals have similar genes to humans so animals give the same reaction humans would if the experiments were being tested on the humans. Using animals is a way to help keep the human population up and still be able to find cures for those everyday diseases.

generally in pyrogen testing animals are used?

Yes and No. Animals are used in pyrogen testing. Rabbits are generally used in pyrogen testing.

Why do you use animal testing?

Animal testing helps to cure diseases and to discover new cures and vaccines for both, animals AND humans. It is totally normal that humans use animals to test on because we use nature for our own health. However, animal testing used for cosmetics is completely cruel and unnecessary.

What can be used instead of animal testing?

Testing people, but many go against that even though the animals don't deserve to be tested on like they are as important as a piece of nasty trash.

In testing rockets why were chimps used instead of other?

Because their bodies are like humans. They have similar structures to us, so if they can survive, so can we.

Why are rats used for testing Are other animals equally close to humans in their physiology.?

rats and humans respond similarily to ingesting many medications/chemicals/etc, but pigs are the most physiologically similar to humans

Approximently many animals are used in animal testing each year?

Approximately 12 .1 million animals are used a year for testing.

Should animals be used for scientific researches?

If you think about it humans are animals it is just that we are the only kind of animal that can stand on two feet and we can communicate with each other so testing on animals is almost like testing on one of your friends or a member of your family I love animals and i don't like seeing them being hurt so please help the cause to stop animal testing :)

What are Reasons to not test on animals?

I guess it is a matter of opinion. In my opinion it is wrong and that is because animals are living breathing creatures too, they cry out in pain and they suffer just as humans do. If the shoe were on the other foot and we were the ones being tortured... tested on by some higher power I'm sure any human would think that were wrong.

What animals are used in expermental testing the most?
