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A weasel would likely win a fight between them and a shrew. The reason for this is because a weasel has teeth that are incredibly sharp and can tear flesh open.

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Q: Who would win in a fight between a weasel and a shrew?
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It is likely that a shrew would win because some varieties have a bite that spreads venomous saliva which immobilises their prey - usually much smaller creatures like mice and frogs.

When a snake kills a shrew the shrew is called the what and the snake is the what?

The snake would be the predator and the shrew would be the prey

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An African Lion would likely win a fight against a giant killer shrew due to its larger size, strength, and predatory instincts. Lions are apex predators capable of taking down much larger prey, whereas killer shrews typically focus on smaller animals for their diet.

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a wolverine clearly it is much larger and much stronger a wolverine because it is bigger and more vicious

CAN weasels kill dogs?

It is not a likely situation that a weasel will attack a housecat, though if the cat was the aggressor, the weasel would fight back against it, fiercely. The other factor is that a cat, if it is losing the fight, could easily run away and climb out of reach. However, a weasel could still injure a cat enough to kill it by biting hard, causing tears and ruptures as the cat tries to disengage it.

What is a sentence for the word shrew meaning a nagging woman?

The shrew would not stop complaining to me. After two years of marriage, he left his shrew of a wife and went to sea.

How much does an shrew weigh as an average adult?

there as been research that it weighs 4 grams so i think it would be 4 grams

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What is the smallest shrew in the world?

The smallest shrew in the world is the Etruscan shrew, also known as the white-toothed pygmy shrew. It weighs only about 1.8 grams and measures around 3.5-5.2 cm in length. It is known for its high metabolism and fast movements.

Who would win a fight between a gaur and a polar bear?

This fight would never happen, no matter how you look at it.

What is the antonym of shrew?

because shrew means a woman of violent temper and speech (a mean lady) the antonym would be a nice woman.